Now That’s Something Good Podcast

Lillian Good on turning 16, anxiety, and growing up Good

Sarah Good with Lillian Good Season 1 Episode 9

Lillian Grace, Will and Sarah’s daughter, shares her thoughts on turning 16 and life as a Good. She shares her struggles with anxiety and panic, her love of the creative arts, her faith, and some thoughts being the eldest of four children.


“I definitely feel like the test child at times!”

“I think we don’t realize it at times, but I think we all really do need each other.”
Speaking of her younger sister, Evalyn, as they’ve grown older: “Oh wait, she’s not that bad!”

“Now that I think about it, I can’t really remember when [Lincoln] wasn’t with us.”

“I didn’t even realize it was anxiety or little panic attacks happening.”

“This probably isn’t just me being nervous. It’s probably something a bit more.”

“I really don’t think someone is going to counseling because something is wrong with them. I just think that everyone needs it.”

“Everyone just needs to talk to someone who is professional. And talking to God about things first.”

To Teens: “Your anxiety doesn’t define you.”
“Get help. Even if there’s not a diagnosis.”
“Our anxiety and pain on the earth is going to be temporary.”

To adults of teens:
“You don’t really know what’s going on in someone’s head.”
“Help them get the next step. Maybe counseling is the answer.”

“Find your person. God should be the #1 person you go to. But also finding people on this earth that you can trust.”

“The best friends are people who can be nice to you… but are telling you ‘maybe you should calm down. Maybe you’re over reacting.’”

“I don’t think anyone can say [through Coronavirus] that they’ve been fully trusting God - that they’ve had no doubts with God.”

“Maybe in the future someone will go through exactly what you’re going through. And you can be a light to them; your situation can help someone else.”

*“I really believe God can show up through other people”

“If you ever see me awkwardly laughing I’m probably having a panic attack.”

“Quarantine wouldn’t be quarantine if you don’t learn something new.”


Liberty University Online Academy
LifeLight Youth Theater
Young People’s Theater
Littlest Pet Shop
Frozen Soundtrack
Harry Potter Book Series
Maze Runner Book Series
Tuck Everlasting
Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted)
Laura Lee McDaniel (Sarah’s tragic growing up books)
2Rivers H2O Youth Group
Lincoln’s Adoption Video Playlist list
Christian Counseling Connection
Mozingo Music
Gilmore Girls
Fearless Teens
Elf the movie
The Mandalorian

Discover more about our guests:
Follow Lillian’s music on Instagram

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[0:57] Rude straight up rude.

[0:59] (Will) I gave you the thumbs up.

[1:00] I can't see the thumbs-up I'm in the zone.

[1:04] (Will) Well then get the zone started.

[1:05] Okay ready hey friends welcome back I am here with Lillian Grace good,
so I just got to start off right here we were talking you know we always have to like check our microphones before we start and Lillian in typical Lily and fashion is like well Mom if you die I guess I'll take over the,
it wasn't even like if you retire if you get too old and then you said tell everyone you just tell her buddy what did you say you'll call the podcast.

[1:35] I said I will definitely call it now that's something better.

[1:39] Guys this is just the start of what this episode is going to be
so here we go now we're really excited to have Lillian Grace here. Lillian is the oldest daughter, Will amd our oldest daughter, and you just celebrated a really big birthday do you want to tell everybody?

[1:54] Yeah I celebrated my 16th birthday.

[1:56] 16 and what's extra special about the 16th?

[2:00] Well I was born on September 16th so is my golden birthday so yeah.

[2:04] Golden birthdays can we make it a rose gold do like rose gold or gold better.

[2:09] Probably gold but I don't mind.

[2:13] All gold options.

[2:14] Yeah.

[2:15] Awesome well we thought we'd have Lillian on we told all the kids when we started the podcast that we would love to have them come on for an episode and we probably do it close to their birthday plus Lillian is just made I can't believe if you're 16 that means we'll and I had been
your parents for 16 years.

[2:31] Yeah.

[2:32] Which is crazy do you have any commentary on how dad and I are doing so far on parenting.

[2:38] Um not really I mean I think you guys are doing a good job I mean we I mean yeah.

[2:42] I guess you have no other parents to compare it to so awesome well let's start so you were born on September 16.

[2:49] 2004.

[2:51] 2004 and your name do you remember what your name means.

[2:55] Like a beautiful flower in my making that up okay.

[2:57] Yeah beautiful flower we named you Lily and do you remember us telling you the name story why we chose your name.

[3:03] No actually no I don't remember wait.

[3:06] You don't remember this,
okay here's the story so Lily was the first girl we found out we wanted to know that if she was a boy or girl and so we found out she was a girl and we went in though not really knowing our girl named we had a couple choices I think we like,
Hannah Elizabeth thought we'd call her Hanna Beth I like basically all of our choices we end up changing though and will one day your dad was in the car one day and was like what about Lily we're like,
Lily we love that name and so we instantly fell in love with that we always kind of had the middle name Grace but we really felt like Lillian the flower obviously is if,
we named you Lillian so that you have a choice if you wanted to be Lily or Lillian which recently we've called you Lily almost,
your whole 16 years of life but recently do you want to talk about your recent.

[3:54] Yeah I don't even know why but recently I don't know I was just like you know what I really do like Lillian better and it was especially for my friends and my parents it was a hard change.

[4:04] You times am I able to call you Lillian.

[4:06] Only when I call it out.

[4:09] I try it so this is the crazy part we Nate we and we specifically all of our kids like fun little good family fact they all have names that we purposely gave them nicknames so that they could have
and they could decide if they wanted to go by their full name or short name and that is why we named you Lily and Grace instead of Lily Grace so that if you wanted to go by Lillian,
but it means beautiful grace and grace is getting something you don't deserve and so we felt like we were getting this beautiful gift of our very first daughter yeah so that's where your name.

[4:39] Awe cool.

[4:41] Don't you feel special?

[4:44] a little bit. I feel special.

[4:45] Whole lot special okay so you are in what year of high school.

[4:49] Junior year 11th grade.

[4:50] Tell the people what are you doing what's your what's your school situation look like.

[4:54] Um well I am online school this year I was also last year and I'm taking,
dual enrollment college classes actually that's going to be all of my classes this year which is crazy through Liberty University so I mean I'm luckily I'm only taking three classes this terms what's not like that hard yet,
yeah so.

[5:17] Yet is the keyword. So do you want to tell everybody you were homeschooled for a lot of your life? How do you feel about being homeschooled?

[5:24] Um I mean I feel like it personally feel like it'd be a lot better than going to public school I mean yeah,
I've really liked it honestly I mean it can be lonely at sometimes but I mean I made lots of friends through like doing other things and that's a good thing about doing
being homeschooled that you can like connect with people more with different and like different coops or groups that are usually during the day which you couldn't go to if you're in public school so that was really cool and that's being homeschooled as how I met a lot of my really good friends now so.

[5:55] Yeah that's been neat and actually with being homeschooled there was a time where you guys are all here and all your siblings were here but now you're really the only one that's like traditionally homeschooled.

[6:07] Yeah.

[6:07] But you do it all online through Liberty University and college classes. So what do you think about it being your last... you only have two more years of high school left.

[6:14] It's like it's so weird I don't know it's everyone said like junior year was the hardest and I can definitely see how it's going to get way harder and I don't know it just it's weird yeah.

[6:27] Yeah how are you feeling about the possibility of going to college all that.

[6:31] Low-key scared because it is like being homeschooled and then like suddenly switching to like a you know a college it's probably going to be very strange but I have some good options and like I mean I think I'll be ready for it so.

[6:46] I think you'll do great call,
exciting time yeah so pray for Will and I I've always say I'm like man these next year's are going to be an emotional roller coaster as we send our first college or child all the all the feels,
over the next couple years okay so you mentioned being homeschooled it's allowed you to get to meet some other friends and
some kind of different stuff which of course you would have friends if you went to public school but you got to have some friends through coops and different things we've done why don't you tell people about one of your very first greatest loves and something you've been a part of,
since your little.

[7:18] Well I,
when I was little I don't even know how I got introduced to that I don't even know the story but I found this really great theater group LifeLight Youth Theater when I was like I don't know five or six.

[7:31] Yeah you started when you were five I.

[7:33] Yeah I run five and I've kind of just stuck with that theater group and adjust at first I think it was just something I liked and then As I Grew Older I was like wow I really love this so I mean I'm still doing it I've been doing it for,
ten years now,
10 almost 11 years now which is crazy so I mean II really like theater and dance and music and all of that and I mean I think I'm pretty good at it so.

[7:56] I might also be biased but I think I'm pretty good at it, too. What has been some of your favorite roles that you've gotten play?

[8:03] Oh my goodness there's a lot last year winter 2019 yeah I was Annie in Annie,
that was probably my favorite thing and then,
I'll always remember when I was like I think I might have been eight or nine I played Belle in Beauty and the Beast Junior and that was kind of like one of my first like biggest roles and although it was like a role as a kid it still was like I felt pretty powerful so.

[8:29] You were really cute bill you play you have to play well let's talk about princesses for a moment,
you would say it's cringe-worthy now but you had quite the obsession with princesses would you like to comment on.

[8:45] Um well apparently actually I think what was it wasn't Mulan I think I watched Mulan like everyday for a long time for a while right,
so yeah and I remember having like a princess party and what else I just remember watching Mulan and like maybe.

[9:03] Had every single princess costume ever made probably.

[9:05] Yeah like all the little princess shoes and the crowns.

[9:11] And Lillian, little Lillian,
just imagine Lily has red hair will post pictures don't worry like all this little Lillian would always just pop out we'll and I would never know where you were going to come down the steps with a princess dress on or some kind of combination of something so I think,
acting and singing has basically been in your blood,
you are super excited Belle was your favorite for a really long time we have like a ton of Belle Christmas ornaments and you were really excited when you got to play,
Belle good like your little blue dress or big old yellow dress and oh what was the best part about so because when you were in create it was called creative drama like so like the younger version so the older kids right.

[9:50] Yeah.

[9:53] Did the same thing but it was the big kid version and you were in the little kid version and you were Bill and you want to talk about like when you have to dance at the end like that hole.

[10:01] Of the dress like so I had this you know Bells blue dress towards the beginning of the play and then like the big Bell and bees dancing scene I had to put on this yellow dress and,
um I had like a quick change so I had to put the yellow dress over my blue dress and I didn't realize this at first but I remember watching like,
the DVD that we got and being like Oh my goodness but the yellow dress was way shorter than the blue dress so I like I walked on and like my blue dress was hanging like underneath the yellow Jess,
it was so.

[10:32] It's great but then you had like dance.

[10:34] Oh yeah I had the dance of this with this boy I don't even yeah and it was so awkward and everyone started clapping.

[10:42] All the big kids in the room were like.

[10:44] Oh my goodness yeah oh my God.

[10:45] I thought it was the cutest thing ever it was pretty precious these little 8 year olds dancing to Tale As Old As Time anyway you want to talk about your other favorite things when you were a young kid you had quite.

[10:58] See I had a lot,
let me just say I think I had a lot of career paths that I really wanted to go down and some of them like looking back I'm like no way so I remember I did sports for a bed like I think the main things worse off,
pink basketball and like I remember like thinking I was super good at it but apparently,
we're gonna talk about the basketball story a pet well I thought I was super good I thought I was super good at defense and all this stuff and apparently I don't remember this at all but.

[11:25] You got a backup this literally have you thought this until like three days ago we're in the car and you're asking about basketball and you're like remember that time I thought I was so good and I was like yeah do you remember the one store in your like what story? And so now tell the story you just found this out.

[11:40] Basically apparently I was you know playing and I,
like I shot the basketball in the hoop and I scored but it was for the other team I went the wrong direction I shot it in the wrong hoopin and apparently I was like super excited.

[11:56] You had no idea we - everybody was - we were yelling because we're all telling you to go the other way.

[12:02] See and I remember like specifically remembering thinking I was so good at this like this is something I could probably continue doing obviously not so,
and then I didn't gymnastics for a while and I thought I was like super good at that I mean I think I think I was but,
and then I did I did piano for a while and I got like little words from that and then the big thing was I wanted to be a called it a Rancher I wanted to or own horses,
and I had a really big,
horse face I'm talking like horse books like fiction books I wanted to learn everything I took horse lessons I had all these horse figurines like tons of horse figurines.

[12:40] You you were all in the comforter, pillows, stuffed animals.

[12:44] Oh my word yeah and I had like shirts with like horses on them it was bad.

[12:48] All the how to horse books.

[12:50] I'd like this one book that was like everything you need to know about horses for the horse crazy girl like your horse crazy girl at home you know it's like.

[12:59] We'll have to post pictures one of your you were probably eight or nine I can't remember now but you had like you'd wear the cowgirl boots and you had,
jacket and the hat and so we totally have pictures of you were dad took their adorable so,
the horse phase actually happened when our house flooded.

[13:19] Yeah.

[13:20] It's what change and then what else you're really big into horses and then you're really big into something else to remember because you were devastated.

[13:27] What was I big into I don't remember oh Littlest Pet Shops and Legos yeah.

[13:34] Do I tell people about what happened when our house flooded.

[13:37] Just the whole story or.

[13:38] Are yeah whatever you want to tell because you were impacted by.

[13:40] Yeah I don't remember I honestly don't how long ago was that like.

[13:44] Eight years yeah.

[13:46] Wow okay I thought.

[13:47] A little you were like eight or nine.

[13:49] Um well basically when my we were asked my like the kids and I were with the our grandparents right and then Mom and Dad were on
New York or something and apparently it was like winter and our house like pipes burst some one of those pipes bursted in my room
and it like ruined all my Legos and Littlest Pet Shops and like some of my stuffed animals I remember I remember all these people coming over and like trying to fix all my Legos and all the stuff and I was really sweet,
but it broke in my room and I don't really remember much of it.

[14:21] Do you remember that happened you remember being sat like what you felt about.

[14:24] Oh yeah I remember I specifically remember when you guys took us the hotel you had it told us like our house flooded or anything and I like I remember being like oh this is great we're on a mini vacation then you can then you were like actually yeah.

[14:37] But we came back - thankfully God's timing was good - we didn't know- the house flooding, that is a story well and I can tell you all some time, but short version
like Lily said pipe burst and we didn't want to tell them they were with my parents who were supposed to meet meet them so my dad brought
my mom dad brought the kids to us here because we were supposed to meet somewhere else,
and they did that Minnesota Hotel because we didn't want to tell you we were afraid we didn't know how the Earth thank you if you were like eight then that means your siblings are like five and three or something and so,
we want to know but we ended up living in a hotel for 9 weeks,
I was right when frozen came out because the girls all three girls stayed in one thankful it was a sweet was a two-bedroom Suite all three girls you all stayed in one bedroom,
and every night to get you guys to sleep you would listen to the Frozen soundtrack so like when I say we have it memorized,
we could we could probably seen you every word and every note of the whole entire Frozen soundtrack because we listen to it every night for 9 weeks straight,
yeah but it was people were really nice they brought you little pet shop toys we had friends that washed our laundry that washed her stuffed animals because we were just it was it was sad but we made it through,
any other obsessions you remember being like when.

[15:52] Um yeah I don't really I don't think so yeah.

[15:54] I think you did princesses horses Little Pet Shops you were big on the Lego you really though you've always been so theater that's always been huge but you really like to write you've always had.

[16:05] Yeah yeah yeah.

[16:06] You know I talk about writing.

[16:07] Um well like as long as I can remember apparently like it's been longer than I could remember but like my grandma would tell me how I would write stories with her because my grandma is an author and I would write stories like,
like stupid little like just random stories and I just remember writing like little books for as long as I can remember I haven't finished any of them,
and I think I have at least like no definitely like 15 to 20 like books that could end like that could be pretty cool but I only have like 5 chapters,
retina in each other but yeah I've I still am writing now and I think it's I don't know.

[16:44] Do you want to give us a sneak peek of what you're writing right now.

[16:46] Um

[16:48] So people can listen if you become a favorite author they'll be like well I knew Lillian Grace Good when I got the sneak peek here on the now that's something good podcast.

[16:56] There's I'm trying to think I'm writing like to one's right now the one I'm like riding I actually was like,
up late writing it last night what how do I even explain it cause I'm not even sure like what it's really about yet but it's like these teenagers and they're on a trip and basically,
I don't know it ends up very fantasy and adventurous and you know teen stuff you know yeah.

[17:24] Teen stuff okay good super destructive I'm sure everybody knows.

[17:28] I I get I don't I don't really know yet.

[17:31] That's alright okay well let it pass but you do like I mean Lillian we have notebooks after notebooks on your little upset,
and when she talked earlier about had a lot of career options literally I would find these notebooks and she would have a list of like 20 things she wanted to be in her life,
it'll be like I want to be a mom I want to be a chef I want to be a horse Rancher I want to be a famous
singer I want to be report famous author and then you but you'd be like the crazy thing was because you always have a line that was like and I'll do all of this while I do and then you'd have a whole other list and it was like
you were going to do all 20 things at the same time which you know what go for it Lily you never know,
you could do it and you love to read what some of your favorite books.

[18:13] Um I really recently I've got in back into Harry Potter oh that's so bad it's like kind of an obsession now.

[18:22] It's been hard for us to find I mean really we haven't bought you a lot of books lately it's been hard to find some.

[18:27] I like went through my bookshelves the other day and I took off so many like probably like 50 bucks like so many books and that like that even included like all those horse bucks but yeah,
like Harry Potter I really like that Maze Runner all those like,
iconic you know fandoms so I really like the book Tuck Everlasting I think that's so cool I realized like I found it and I apparently grandma gave it to me a while ago so I was reading that and I like that so I mean.

[18:57] Do you remember what's that is it Gail Carson Levine remember those books we used to read those.

[19:01] Yeah the the.

[19:03] Two Princes of the Marv.

[19:04] Yeah yeah Ella Enchanted is that who.

[19:07] Did I tell Aunt Rhonda.

[19:08] Those books so.

[19:09] You were beginning to those for a while we would read them back and forth because I would read them with you do you want to tell everybody about so Grandma your grandma grandparents just recently moved here which is amazing.

[19:20] That's great I love it.

[19:21] Grandma you said she is an author she has a lot of books she recently brought me a bunch of my books from when I was like your age.

[19:28] Wow yeah yeah.

[19:30] Remember I told you I gave you all these if you read any of those books.

[19:32] Um I only read like the the the hosp they're really depressing sad one.

[19:37] So guys I have a really morbid confession so there are these books they're I think her name is Lauraleen McDaniel and she wrote These whole series my very best friend when I was in Middle School in high school we used to read these books,
somebody always had a terminal illness and I don't know I was obsessed with them which probably fueled my like why I thought,
I thought I had a brain tumor for a lot of my middle school,
that's a story for another day but there are good books and so I've tried to get Lily I like Lily and you have to read these books.

[20:09] I remember being so Disturbed when when did we read it was like when we were at Woody's Beach and I read one of them it was like this romance book and like this guy found this girl and the girl ended up dying at the end of story I was like this is horrible and I found myself like bawling.

[20:22] You're like why were these my mom's favorite books I don't know I have issues apparently I just you know sometimes you need a good cry and so he just.

[20:29] Media.

[20:30] You just listen to this what else you want to talk about Lillian.

[20:34] I don't know I was trying to think there's not a lot of interesting things.

[20:39] You have a lot of I think you're very interesting for being 16 years old you've had a lot of life okay let's talk about this you are the oldest of how many siblings do you have.

[20:45] Yep three little siblings.

[20:48] Three little siblings and for a long time it was really you and the girls,
came a little later to our family so what's your I mean like what's your take on being a big sister.

[20:59] I mean it can be great but I also definitely feel like the test child at top.

[21:05] Test you you are as probably because we've told you who we were just straight up tell her like I'm sorry you're the guinea pig child we have no idea what we're doing.

[21:14] It can be great but then that's like.

[21:16] For your extra counseling.

[21:17] And I'm like wait I don't remember like Evalyn got a phone at like how like 11 and I was like I don't think I got it one and I was like 12 or 13 I was like um but yeah I can be great I think we,
I think we don't realize that at times I think we all really do need each other,
me and Evalyn we have a very lovely relationship I think you guys know but yeah I we all love each other Lincoln's great,

[21:46] So you're talking about so Evalyn is your next younger sister she's 12 and so it's kind of changed your relation with her as change as you've as she's been like in Middle School,
at the the church were a part of middle school and high school is together so you guys go like the youth group together you get to spend some extra time,
and you guys now like you'll hang out you'll ask her to go do face math you guys are always doing something I feel like.

[22:08] Seriously I feel like it's weird because you'd always when we were little I feel like we got like a to a lot more fights and you'd be like oh it's fine you guys will be good friends when you're older and I'm just now starting to see that I don't like oh wait she's not that bad so.

[22:20] I think what I used to always tell you is the classic mom lined it when I would probably be lecturing you all in the car and I'd be like guys your sisters are here forever and if you are mean to your friends why can't I can't let you,
your friends if you can't treat your sisters nice or something but and you shared rooms so right now you guys all have your own room but you shared with Evalyn off and on over years.

[22:41] Mmm.

[22:43] If you have any classic sharing a room with your sister story.

[22:47] I don't really know I remember one time I don't think I've shared if Alaina I remember one time we tried to I feel like we saw it where did I see it I think it was either in a movie or a book but like these two sisters are shared a room they like put tape,
on the floor and it was like their own sections I remember doing that with her one time it didn't.

[23:04] You guys did do that it was partly because it was the classic thing we're only one of you was on the side of the door and I think you honestly weren't on the side,
and I remember walking in and I was like great idea girls Lily how you going to get out of the room table,
and like the closet was on the other side oh my goodness crazy do you want to talk about something super impactful in our family life but to you was the adoption of your youngest sibling Lincoln you want to talk about that.

[23:34] Yeah definitely I remember like honestly don't remember that much about it because,
now that I think about it I just I can't really remember when he wasn't with us like when we would share stories of long ago I'm like oh yeah we're when was like we're was Lincoln and that and they're like oh he wasn't here yet I'm like oh wow you know so well we adopted,
him 2015... 14 15 when was it 16?

[23:56] 2015.

[23:57] 15 okay so I would have been like 11? 10?
yeah I remember like being like super shock but also excited because I remember like you and Dad would talk about it for a while just an idea and I was like,
wow like this is great and I remember talking about our China baby and all this stuff and we finally found out like,
it was a boy we came up with all these names like Lincoln I think Lena wanted to name him hotdogs and like I remember that,
we might think we made a video out of if I remember like opening up this like this box of balloons I would tell us a gender and it had his little face
his little face on the picture and I remember being so excited I wanted to tell like all my friends about it and I was like yeah I'm getting a new brother and.

[24:41] I think you did tell everybody.

[24:43] Yeah.

[24:44] We met including random people at the grocery store.

[24:48] Roy but yeah it was again I don't really remember much about it but I remember was a little bit jealous of one got to go to China not me but.

[24:56] Do you want to tell why you can make it sound like horrible parents that we took your younger sister and I do do you remember why.

[25:02] I think the main reason because Evelyn is the middle child and I feel like most of the time it's like,
you know what I'm being the oldest and Linda being the youngest there can be that little land is the youngest so she gets a lot and then I'm the oldest like I get to be you know doing a lot more things so.

[25:18] That was a hard parenting it was that and we had to switch rooms around,
and we decided you really wanted your own room and we really felt like you probably needed your own room based on your age at the time and stuff and so Evelyn was having to go share with her younger sister which she was not super thrilled about so it
partly that and you have,
switch topics for just second you have food allergies we can come back and talk about that second and so we were a little nervous about taking you halfway around the world when we weren't sure what we were going to be eating and if we could take care of it well enough,
but yes but do remember FaceTiming.

[25:55] Oh yeah I remember me and Elena went to my grandparents house when they lived in Indiana and I remember like you guys went there and I think I was like the first night you had,
Lincoln and,
I remember FaceTiming them and Lena was singing to him like on the other end and I remember him like falling asleep I think it was like so precious and like I mean looking back at him like I'm a lot more emotional speaking about it but then I was like this is great and then
he came home we had like lots of our,
friends come and meet you guys at the airport I remember like you guys walking down and then we took that picture where Lincoln was like sitting on the suitcase,
and he looked very like nervous and like didn't want to be by anyone except for like Evelyn and you guys which like is expected but then I remember coming home and it was like,
super weird I tried holding him I don't think he let me but over maybe he did.

[26:48] Actually got to you.

[26:50] Yeah I think he was super I think he was super nervous about it first and then I remember when we gave him like oh what was the first thing he ate but I remember we gave him some.

[26:59] Day cake I'm pretty.

[27:00] The cake yeah it was something and then he laughs how his candy Obsession sweet obsession.

[27:06] Lincoln's got a sweet tooth.

[27:08] Yeah it was like super cool guy don't remember that much of it but it was like super weird and cool and wow yeah.

[27:18] It really impacted you it's because you would tell everybody you were in like by the time we brought him home I think you were like in sixth grade.

[27:25] Yeah I remember like sharing like the video like some videos made with the whole youth group and I thought it was so cool looking back I don't think anyone else said I was as cool as I did but.

[27:35] We were always asking people to pray for your brother and it was going to be hard and you would other tell people they should adopt China babies because every orphan needs a home you were like.

[27:45] Yeah I was big on that but yeah yeah.

[27:49] What's it like having a brother that's adopted.

[27:51] It's we I think he,
I don't I honestly don't think about it that much I mean the only time I really think about it it's like when we're talking about like stories of us that as as babies are like,
our stories and I'm like oh yeah Lincoln or like when we do talk about stories back then and I'm like oh yeah Lincoln like wasn't there with us and I think I think I think he loves me deep down but I,
he Evelyn is definitely his favorite sister.

[28:20] Well I don't.

[28:21] I mean I think he was all deep down but we.

[28:23] Lincoln has a.

[28:24] He I don't know how he.

[28:27] Maybe.

[28:27] Yeah we call it his stink eye he has very interesting evil faces and things he would say I mean he threatens to you know Murder Me On The Daily but I.

[28:37] He did.

[28:38] I think I think he loves us Steve.

[28:39] He's a five-year-old boy to so it kind of his love language is a little different than I love you it's more like I'm going to hit you and take your stuff,
he loves you and you are a really good big sister to all your stuff you and then great about teaching Elena like she took dance for the first time last year.

[28:56] Mmm oh yeah.

[28:58] You are to help her get ready and teacher tap things and you you're really good big sister do a great job.

[29:07] Hey it's will hear thanks for listening in on this episode of the podcast I wanted to share a couple things with you number one did you know that you can do this Alexa,
play now that something good podcast years now that something good podcast from Amazon music,
I might just be a little bit geeked out about that but yeah you can listen to the cast on Apple podcasts on Spotify and on that.

[29:35] You can listen wherever and thanks so much for your support we just actually had our 1500th download and just a short time of the podcast being alive and so thanks so much for listening and for sharing this podcast and any of the episodes that have really brought encouragement to you,
your friends and what those that you've come into contact with we hope that sharing something good will bring light to someone's day,
I really appreciate all my kids and it's been really fun to listen in on this episode to be behind the scenes and to celebrate Lillian's 16,
we were talking a little bit in the podcast about how Lillian is such a creative mind and she gets some of that from Sarah and some of that for me,
after we stopped recording she actually came up to the studio and she said hey I wrote this check this out and so I want to share that with you right now and then right after you hear this little,
jingle we're going to send you right back to the cast with.

[30:57] So let's talk about this over the last few years of your life you've dealt with some anxiety do you kind of want to talk about that what does it feel like for you and what it's been like kind of figuring that out.

[31:09] Yeah well I'll be like I feel like I mean I feel like everyone gets anxiety but there is like a certain,
point and I like recently I realized I was like wow this is like a big thing I am dealing with and I feel like I've honest like dealt with it not that much as I have recently by feel like I've always felt that as a child I feel like,
I'm going to feel like I was very outgoing but I feel like I could be like very nervous but recently it's just been like really,
and pacline didn't even realize like it was anxiety or like like little panic attacks that were happening and I mean I remember like how I really realized it was starting I think it was like,
last year and like I was struggling through something of school and I just got like super nervous and like I couldn't breathe straight and I was like okay this probably isn't just me,
being nervous is probably something a bit more and yeah it was like a it was like it's hard you know and,

[32:08] And recently we've done something like to tell everybody what you've been doing recently the kind of just help take steps towards.

[32:16] Yeah I mean,
well yeah recently I've decided to see a counselor at first I was like a little like oh I'm like going to therapy I'm going to counseling like there must be,
but I really think like everyone needs it I really don't think someone's going to counseling because something's wrong with them I just think that everyone needs us I've been seeing this really nice lady and going to Christian Counseling I think,
this is what my now is my third time going a couple days ago and it's like really it's really good I feel like everyone just really needs to talk to someone who is like professional and obviously I mean talking to God about that,
talking to God about things first but it has been like super good and I feel myself like you know growing in my faith more and just it's definitely been subsiding a lot so yeah.

[33:05] Yeah you would hey remember how old you were because I do remember you come in and you would talk about like I'm having trouble breathing,
and so and you probably had that I mean.

[33:15] I remember having that a lot.

[33:17] Four years you are pretty little when some of it first started and we would just kind of talk to you about it and kind of help you slow down and then you usually would pass pretty quickly and then you'd be fine
couple weeks would pass and then you'd say something again but it did get kind of worse they're probably when you started High School right because you would.

[33:33] Definitely I feel like that's what it all gets worse for a lot of people it's like it's like a hard stage of life and everyone deals with it with it recently.

[33:42] Yeah what would you tell somebody there are going to be some young girls listening or other young people listening what would you tell somebody else who's around your age or a little older a little younger about anxiety.

[33:53] Well,
I definitely think that like your anxiety doesn't Define you you're not going to be anxious all the time and I really think like I mean,
get help even if it's like even if it's not like a main thing or like something that you've been like diagnosed with I think everyone should like not just put it aside and be like I'm fine it's fine because I mean,
yeah I really say pray to God about that like reach out to someone you like shouldn't just be keeping these things to yourself because they can,
get worse like as I've realized and I realized that I probably should like reach out and get some help and like also know that it's going to be
better like our anxiety and pain on this Earth is like going to be temporary and,
I mean yeah just really I say reach out to someone especially if you're keeping it to yourself because I think everyone like needs it you know.

[34:47] Yeah what would you say to if there's parents listening or just other adults listening that work with teens or ever what would you tell older older than you people to like to do to help like with.

[35:01] The main the main thing is,
don't you don't really know what's going on in someone's head as I really say don't just be like oh you're just you're just nervous like everyone gets nervous I mean if it's really something they've been coming to you for a while about I mean and it's like really close to their heart and like you,
you really think something's up and they're in pain,
help them get the next step you know maybe counseling is the answer maybe just you know just being there for them I'd never,
don't always just say it's just oh it's just you're nervous I mean sometimes that is just the case but if it's really happening a lot I mean yeah.

[35:40] That's good how has have your mom and dad done about helping you with it we feel like we've been hell.

[35:44] I think I think recently it's been helpful.

[35:48] Still he has been wasn't help Father there's but been helpful now.

[35:52] No no it's good I'm like I'm glad I was able to like get counseling and like um you guys just talking to me about it and I'm glad like I mean I mean I yeah.

[36:04] You've got lots of good people around in your life that you're able to talk to which we are really grateful for you are good we've tried to with your dad and I have tried to build
relationship where you know that we're always a safe place but your dad and I've also known hey
you know sometimes you want to talk to Mom and Dad about stuff and sometimes you want to talk to other people about it and that's been fine for us and so you we've been very grateful that you have some really important people in your life that are just a little,
it older than you and then some that are more like Mom and Dad's age but to be able to help you and walk with you on that.

[36:36] Yeah I'm really thankful I definitely say like find your person I mean God should be the number one person you go to but I mean like also finding people on this Earth who you can trust,
and like no will be there for you and will also tell you if you're acting crazy you know because sometimes I mean it's great to have as I've realized recently I feel like,
lots of people make friends and want to be friends with people who are just telling them the good stuff all the time and I think,
the best friends are people who can be nice to you and say this and like,
play in friendly way but our tongue you if you're like you know maybe you should calm down and like maybe you're just overreacting and like telling you if you're doing something wrong because I mean,
sometimes you just need that you need that Knowledge from someone else.

[37:22] Finding good friends is really important and we're grateful that you have some good friends and have some good mentors in your in your life for sure so what have you Lillian learned about God over the last couple years either through anxiety or just as you're getting older
and having to figure out more of this kind of for yourself what are you what are you learning or what are you discovering.

[37:43] I think the main thing is like especially in coronavirus well first of all I don't think anyone,
through this corn to I don't think anyone can say that they've fully been trusting God and have had no doubts of God because I mean,
definitely I've had so many doubts especially this year and I think the main thing is everyone was telling me it's going to get better God has a plan and I'm like I know but just so many like,
like bad things have just happened this year and it can be really hard to trust him but like the main thing,
I have to remember is that like he does have a plan and like it might his plan might not formulate you the way you want it to be especially as soon as you want it to be right now,
you have to keep,
trusting and another thing as I mean through suffering suffering suffering obviously this horrible no one wants to suffer or go through troubles but I kept telling myself that maybe,
one day through my suffering there's going to be someone who went through exactly what I went through and since I went through what that person is going through I can relate to them and help them through it,
and speak to them how God has spoken to me and just help them through that so I think the main thing is just,
thinking that I mean maybe in the future someone will go through exactly what you're going through and you can be a light to them and that your situation can help someone else you know so that's probably the main thing.

[39:06] That's good there's a passage in scripture it's in I think it's in the gospel several times but I think it's in Mark and I should have it memorized but I'm bad about remembering the chapter and verse
or things are but it talks about there's a man that comes to Jesus and talks about I believe but help me in my unbelief and it's where we can still believe that God is good and who he is
but sometimes it can be hard and sometimes we can question things and we always talk about we talked about as a family we've told you your whole life and I
told countless other people like God can handle your questions so
come with your questions come with all your emotions and your feelings he created us with them and so bring them bring them to Jesus and ask the things and we've tried to encourage you right as you're growing like hey we want you to find this stuff out for yourself we don't want
you just believe in God or believe in Jesus because we've told you or it's just been in our house and you've been having the kind of wrestle with that really over the last
years right of what do you believe in are you going to trust God,
what would you tell this to anybody right now listening that's may be questioning man what should I should I believe what do I what do I believe what would you say helped you or,
continues to help you.

[40:09] I say like don't hold back it's like you're really questioning like do research like if your crush questioning like God's plan for you like
really reach out to someone whether like that's a pastor at your church or someone you trust or like just like going straight to the Bible because like I mean people do have so many questions about stuff and like again like you said figuring out themselves and I think like the big thing is just,
you know like do your research on it like find out about it and just a dive in don't just be like well maybe God is real you know like pushed yourself to read the Bible and try praying to him even if you,
even if Mike you're not fully believing it yet I mean I say you just need to,
push yourself and ask people to help you get into it and just learn because like you can't you can't learn about anything if you're not trying and you know so.

[40:57] That's good Lillian I like I like that advice I was going to ask you something else in my mind just went blank.

[41:04] This happens a lot.

[41:05] I know it does happen a lot I got a lot is what happens when you have four kids so I told Lily which reminds me of a funny story about that element do you how do you feel like you hear from God is that something that you can.

[41:17] Yeah.

[41:19] First let me say I mean I have trouble hearing for got a lot but I feel like it's because my mind is just so busy and I feel like a lot of the time I'm not,
pushing myself to hear God I'm not telling myself to hear him I'll just be like why can't I hear from you it's because I'm not letting my mind be in that state too
it's not like I'm wanting to hear from him I'm just kind of why aren't you speaking to me want you speaking to me I needed to have that,
time to just be peaceful and quiet and really listen to him but I usually I usually hear from him when yeah like my mind is blank which can be really hard,
um and I also just hear from from him from other people like I mean I'd be having a good conversation of someone a good friend or someone I trust and like they'll say something and I'm like wait that's actually like I really needed to hear that and,
I mean I really feel like God can show up through other people so,
I feel like lots of the times when I hear from them it can be from someone else and I mean recently I was having a conversation with someone the other day and they were like I mean I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say this to you but I feel like God is telling me to say this to you and I really needed it,
so I mean I feel like he definitely speaks through other people and also just reading your Bible like I was reading a passage off,
the other day through like this bible plan I was doing and like I've read like this passage like a lots of times I remember but then like something else just stuck out stuck out to me suddenly and I was like wait I read this a million times why is it just now sticking out or making sense you know so,
I mean yeah.

[42:47] That's good God's word is always a great place and God does definitely speak through other people and circumstances all those things for sure okay so Lillian,
we're going to draw to an end here soon to have anything else that you want to talk about or tell anybody about what life is like being sick.

[43:06] Um I've no idea I mean I feel the exact same way.

[43:10] If you feel that you don't feel the older.

[43:11] I feel like I feel like once I get my license and I'm like cruising by myself that's when I'll feel a lot a lot older but.

[43:17] Close to that right do you want to tell everybody on the podcast what your sad story.

[43:22] Sad story um I think the main I don't think I'm ready to get my license at the main issues because I got my permit so late,
and also I really like apparently I thought for the longest time like you could only be,
someone over 21 had to be in the front seat by you but you can only have one person under 18 in the rest of the car but I was doing like researchers someone and I realized that wasn't the case so now like I mean a lots of the times I haven't been driving a lot because I do have,
three younger siblings and like you they're usually always with us so it was hard to get all that practice sent I'm hoping by October I.

[43:58] We're hoping real soon you're real close we just need a few more hours to go.

[44:02] Should we share about the thing that happened the other night.

[44:04] When you almost killed me is that what you're talking about where my life and your life flash before my eyes go that's your story to tell girl.

[44:11] No um so I'm just like exposing myself but I was I was driving to rehearsal I don't even know what did you tell Dad about this.

[44:20] I don't think so I think I texted him like we just about died.

[44:24] Um I don't even know what I don't even know what happened but I was driving to rehearsal and I had like a flashing yellow arrow with which means yield and I thought
like the person in front of us how to read likes like every other time I would turn left like those people would always be stopping and like they wouldn't be anyone there,
so I thought like they always had a red light but apparently I had to yield for them to and I almost ran straight into it.

[44:47] And you are turning left I think to I think you saw the light next to us and this happens to people when it's a left turn and other people go straight sometimes your brain just sees green and if you're not careful you'll start to turn left,
and so I think you saw that light turn green and didn't realize it's not and you're starting to turn it I'm like this car is not stopping and you don't have the right away,
I grabbed your arm and I'm like stop stop stop.

[45:11] And then out of nervousness also of my anxiety if you ever see me like awkwardly laughing.

[45:16] She was totally laughing,
it is a parent let me just say I was stuck between I don't even know what I do right now because I don't want to freak you out worse than you're already probably feel bad about like,
but I also need you to understand the severity of what just happened because one God protected us I feel like he definitely cuz that car,
I mean we were very close to being,
hit and you reacted fine is good and I think every young driver needs a near scared but it was like I didn't want to freak you out and didn't want to make you feel bad but I also needed you to know,
we you just you have to pay attention because it is it's a big deal to get to drive and I.

[45:58] That's probably where I need some more be a little.

[46:00] Yeah so we're just driving a little more but you're going to get you are a very safe cautious driver we're not worried about you doing anything crazy while driving but,
you're doing great that was a funny funny story do I tell everybody else listening what is something you and I like to do together or what well let me ask you we've got several things but what's your favorite thing and you don't have to say the one thing that you thought I was prompting you to say,
what's something you like to do.

[46:23] Oh yeah I'm going to say the main thing because this is my favorite thing this usually,
it's been a tradition for a while but we've been watching Gilmore Girls which is like my new favorite thing it's I love it we're not even watching it for like a year now we're not even to see.

[46:38] Sadly I know because we don't get enough because somebody else is always around and it's kind of a show that we've just said it's probably just old enough for Lillian to watch at this point and so.

[46:48] So recently we've been I think the main thing is after we would go to fearless and after Tuesday night's like their meetings we would go pick up Chick-fil-A and then we'd come home and watch Gilmore Girls really late at night and it's awesome.

[47:02] That's one of my favorite we have fun doing.

[47:04] Great and we make pizza rolls which is like my favorite snack and.

[47:08] I tried the name Lillian Lorelei but,
her Dad wouldn't let me because he I have had an obsession with Gilmore Girls really long time so I feel very proud that liliom loves that I'm passing it on I feel like there's another really important love that I had passed on to you,
about holidays or tradition would you like that.

[47:27] Oh no... is it the movies?

[47:31] I know you don't sadly I've not I used to get them all to watch Hallmark Christmas movies with me and Lillian,
left the fold on that one which is okay but she loves  - you love Christmas though and you love Christmas decorating and so I'm trying to when Lily was a little,
every time I remember we would you know you're trying out these new things we're she's our first kid we're trying to figure out what we're doing we're trying to form like family traditions and Lillian was the best like she loves you love traditions and things like that right,
and so I remember you being little we would try something and I would just do it one time and you're like oh Mom remember that time that we blah blah blah and I'm like oh my gosh we just started a family tradition and now Lily and ones so I think we have some funny family traditions I didn't even,
intend on starting because you're like we did it this one time and now we have to do it.

[48:18] Yeah boy.

[48:20] What's your favorite family tradition that we have to think of one.

[48:22] Um I think I'll wait I just thought of one a bit of slip my mind I really like all of our Christmas traditions definitely my favorite one is Watching Elf,
that is so iconic I don't think we ended up watching it last year it'd be yeah that is kind of sad.

[48:41] Usually watch all I put up our family Christmas tree.

[48:44] Yeah so I like that I like going through all the ornaments the family ornament.

[48:48] What's your favorite ornament you have.

[48:50] Let's see I like I definitely like all going back to the bill thing I have a lot of Bill ornaments I definitely like all those.

[49:00] We're definitely the family right what can you tell everybody listening if they don't know what do we do every year for what do you get every year for Christmas.

[49:06] We offer Christmas Eve we always get.

[49:10] You can tell that to okay so that's a family tradition.

[49:13] Yeah we always get pajamas which that's fine I have like so many Christmas like matching pajamas so that's fun and then what oh we get a special we get a special Christmas ornament every year that kind of I don't know either relates to something or.

[49:28] Yeah and I would say we're and that's probably some of you listening you probably do that some of you listening that might be a new thing
I would say if there was any family tradition around Christmas I would tell you to do I would say do the ornament thing we are actually a second generation family of doing this because
my parents got me ornaments every year for Christmas my siblings and I and it was really cool that when we'll and I when your dad and I got married
they gave me my whole box of ornaments and there's just something really special about having those so we're excited we plan to give each of the kids there box of ornaments when,
when they finally leave our house and have their own place will give you your ornaments and I'll probably cry but it'll be all right so I also have pictures we put a lot of pictures on our tree to because I have all these little,
and you guys cringe every time I pull out and like look at this cute Lily baby Lily,
oh yeah that reminds me when you're a little your dad okay so we got to talk about your dad for a minute because kind of not fair that I'm interviewing you so do you want to tell a favorite,
dad store so tell a funny dad story because I know there's a lot of those let's be honest.

[50:29] There's a lot I'm trying to think so.

[50:33] No I talked about the time he left you guys in the car and you thought you were gonna.

[50:36] Yeah that just came to my mind this was probably a couple years ago but we just came from the pool and we had to go to Dear Berg's,
I'm just exposing my dad but he I think no action exposing mainly myself but I didn't want to go into dear Berg stuff like my swimsuit on so dad left me and Evelyn in the car while he took a Lena and,
possibly Lincoln I don't remember and then this is what he is dear Briggs work it came up to us and I can we totally thought we were about to be abducted or something and she was like pull down the window one of the windows.

[51:06] And we've told you all right never rolled out.

[51:09] But I rolled it down and she was like are you guys by yourself? And you need to come inside and she was like if not I'm gonna call the police obviously we would like scared and we went inside and.

[51:21] It was horrible I mean that lady shame on that lady to really I know she thought she was saving you all because you're in the car and it was.

[51:27] So scared.

[51:28] It was horrible and I came home and Evalyn I mean Evalyn still is free like talks about that eight years later is freaked out but anyway Poor Dad I'm sure you guys weren't throwing a fit or anything and,
does that what's your have any favorite sayings that Dad tells you or.

[51:44] He... I'm trying to think... well we both like Star Wars that's kind of.

[51:53]  it's true you guys do share the star wars thing.

[51:55] We always watch Star Wars when it comes out and the Mandalorian and then,
um he likes to say "this is the way" from the Mandalorian and then and then he... recently - I don't even know if you remember this Dad but I like when I started when I had my permit why still do but when I started driving whenever I would go on to the,
the highway what would you say you'd say,
push it Margaret or something and I would say sure Jan (Will: punch it Margaret) I don't know why that came to mind but he would always say that.

[52:27] Your dad is pretty much the classic dad dad jokes which is really great because I just get to be the cool Mom right Lillian I'm always like man how great it is that you have you have such an awesome mom such a cool mom such a trendy mom,
hey and you're supposed to say yes I do I'm so lucky I'm so blessed that God gave me you as a mom.

[52:48] Yeah and he would always make some it's the pain of having the last name good he all the jokes.

[52:55] All the good jokes awesome Lillian were really proud of you and your 16 years of life,
I'm sure everybody listening is going to love getting to hear a story and be excited there's gonna get to grow with you will have you back,
on before your voice is actually been on our podcast for a few episodes and so many people talked about how calming and just energetic your voices and oh wait we have one more thing we didn't talk about,
you are super creative so like Lillian has a really does have a lot of gift sets of she loves to write,
books and stories and you've always done that you read them to like your siblings and your written stuff and all the theater and your huge on that but you also like to write music.

[53:35] Yeah.

[53:36] I should have made you bring your ukulele in here.

[53:38] Motor funny.

[53:39] And play us a song maybe we'll do a bonus episode bonus moment from now that something good or a Lillian can play as a couple of her songs you want to talk about your ukulele and your song writing.

[53:50] Yeah I feel like quarantine want to be quarantine if you don't like learn something new so I think was like the first couple weeks.

[53:55] We really we went right away and got.

[53:56] We went right to Mozingo or something and we got a ukulele and I learned things right away,
and now it's kind of an obsession and I play piano and ukulele I think I did violin that did not work out.

[54:09] Yeah that one was a.

[54:10] I really like writing music and it's kind of like all over the board and I like like posting songs I'm hoping to write like an EP and like may be posted to YouTube or something so I think that'd be cool but yeah.

[54:24] Be great she's a really great singer and a good good songwriter you did this song challenge right early on in quarantine like a 30 day.

[54:30] Yeah that was fun I I look back and I'm like why did I do this honestly.

[54:36] So tell people they don't know what was the challenge like what.

[54:39] Um every day was like a prompt like write a song about your favorite season or something like that so I did that for,
it might have been 20 I might have been 20 days or maybe 12 days something like that but that was fun I just kind of wrote like a little minute long song for each of them and again looking back I don't really like any of the ones who don't.

[55:01] That's.

[55:02] Like what did I write that.

[55:03] Well Lillian the show is called now that's something good so what is something good that you would like to tell us or share or something good that you like or anything I mean anything.

[55:15] Hmm,
wow oh I had a I want to get my nose pierced.

[55:25] That is something good that can be something good you do you have been wanting yeah so if anybody knows great,
ear and nose piercing places we're out of.

[55:35] Yeah please do.

[55:36] The side that we need let it message us at podcast that Sarah and let us know where we should go to get Lily to get her nose pierced.

[55:44] Yeah hopefully I can do that soon so if you see me with the nose piercing yeah so.

[55:49] Yeah we'll see how that goes no we're excited awesome well thanks a million for being on the show love you.

[55:54] No problem mom let me too.