Now That’s Something Good Podcast
Now That’s Something Good Podcast
Anna Reel on finding the significance in your strengths
Anna Reel is an incredible writer, blogger, YouTuber, and coach. As an introvert, Anna struggled with finding the significance in her own gifts when they appeared to be better suited for extroverted people. In this episode, she shares her story, and how significant discovering one’s personality and strengths is to growth.
For those versed in personality type systems, Anna is an INFJ and identifies as an Enneagram type 1. Also a type 1, Sarah and Anna laugh at how different they are despite having some of the same core motivations!
More about Anna:
Favorite quotes:
- Introverts can be outgoing and extroverts can be quiet. It’s more about where you get your energy from.
- Whenever you are really good at something you don’t always realize it’s a strength.
- You can’t fix what you don’t understand.
- There is so much advice out there that is very cookie cutter. But we are not cookie cutter people.
- If you’re trying to follow the advice of some self-help guru or your friends and it’s not working there’s nothing wrong with you.
- We’re all so amazing; we all have these different unique strengths and it’s beautiful!
- Goals are lifelines.
- Goals are meant to be for you.
Fun things:
- I Shaved My Head!
- The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney
- Neuroscience of Personality: Brain Savvy Insights for All Types of People by Dr. Dario Nardi
- How to Choose Your One Word Focus (and how to get the FREE worksheet)
- How to Set Goals During Uncertain Times
- Anna's Introduction to The 4 Tendencies
- 9 Life Lessons from Wonder Woman
- All 9 INFJ Enneagram Types
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI
- Anna’s mentor Christian Rivera
- Christian’s YouTube playlist that introduces Myers-Briggs concepts
- Susan Storm of Psychology Junkie
The Enneagram
- Introduction to the Enneagram (guest post on Anna's blog)
- The Essential Enneagram by David Daniels and Virginia Price
- Beatrice Chestnut's books, videos, workshops, etc
Show notes may contain affiliate links. This is at no extra cost to you but does help support telling more stories that bring more good. Now that is something good! Thank you for your kind support.
[3:37] Hey friends welcome back to Now That's Something Good I am really excited today to have my very special guest who's actually my sister Anna here with me.
Welcome Anna thanks for being here.
Glad you're glad you could join us why don't you just start an off tell us a little bit about who you are your family situation all those things.
[3:58] My name is Anna reel I am a blogger and YouTuber and Coach I have a husband named Anthony Reel.
[4:14] That's pretty much that's a good that's a good that works that works.
[4:16] That's me.
[4:17] That's you I love it as I said we are related we don't you know people would never know any more because we don't have the same last name we were actually saying we have a brother too,
that I actually work with and no one would ever know any of us are related because now we all have different last names and I think Anna do you who do you think you look like in our family.
[4:36] I don't know I feel like I look the most like Nathan.
[4:40] I think so I think you too.
[4:41] Nation of mom and dad.
[4:43] Yeah we're going to have to post a picture now so you can see our family and you can tell us who you think because I think we all do look fairly different like some siblings you see and I think it's all like oh they clearly look like siblings,
I do think you and Nathan look more alike than like you and I look like you have.
[4:58] Especially when I shaved my head.
[5:00] Which actually think we need to talk about that's a great Segway we didn't talk about so Anna you have she's mentioned that she's a YouTuber and a blogger you have a YouTube channel and you posted people can go find this which I recommend that you do because it is,
so do you want to talk about shaving your head or what led to this whole endeavor.
[5:18] It was something that I wanted to try for a long time and I realized the only thing holding me back was fear I was just afraid like would people judge me what if my head looks weird and it's like it's just hair like it can grow back and so,
I did it,
I shaved my head and it's funny if you watch the video you can see the fear in my eyes as I do the first shave and I'm like oh no this is going to look really really bad but then it.
[5:44] What did I do.
[5:45] Yeah I have a good shaped head and it all worked out.
[5:47] So I have several questions about this because you actually do like you I do not think a lot of people can actually pull off the bald head look you did great,
it looked really good you have the like I said go watch the video it was crazy because I think you actually told me you were doing this if I remember right I you sent me a video or the picture,
and when you sent it to me,
Anna shaving her head I'm literally at the hairdresser getting more hair put in my head I'm getting extensions and I'm like this is just hilarious she's trying to get rid of her hair and I'm trying to put more hair and but it was great that was a fun,
what did what was your feedback on the shaving head like a lot of people you got a lot of feedback on it right.
[6:29] Yeah it seemed to inspire a lot of people to that were that had the same desire of like I wanted to try this but I was just too afraid and.
[6:36] I want this hair it grows back.
[6:38] Hmm and end up being my most viewed video so.
[6:41] Okay there you go see you never know you never know what crazy thing my just you just you just never know,
okay so Anna let's talk about this so let's talk about your blog and all of these things so you're kind of tell people what is your kind of tagline to your blog to your you all the things Anna reel.
[7:02] Yeah my tagline is know yourself grow yourself because I believe a growing understanding of self is the key to personal growth and,
reaching your full potential because it's like how can you be the best version of you if you don't even know who you are.
[7:17] That's great so where did all of this start like when I mean there had to be some kind of starting place like where did it all come from where when did you get that tagline just kind of give us the journey to the journey you are now on.
[7:31] If you don't mind a little bit of a longer story we're going to we're going to go back to high school.
[7:37] Perfect perfect.
[7:38] Because I feel like that's where some major things happened,
spark my my journey of learning more about who I am and my personality and learning about different personality theories so in high school I was starting to learn about introversion versus extraversion,
but I had a lot of misconceptions I felt like it was.
Like a skill to be developed and so like you know people always praised extraversion and it's like oh you need to be more extroverted and so when I started to learn that like oh introversion is like my personality I felt like something,
I felt like something was wrong with me or like I was lesser than other people our world is just very built for extroverts even the classroom you know and and public speaking and even just in the classroom and.
[8:28] Okay wait take a real quick second though so in case somebody's listening and doesn't and I think introvert extrovert is probably pretty common words that people would know but just for clarity sake just tell people what you mean by that as you're telling your story just so they really.
[8:42] Yeah so first I'm gonna bust some myths about it because I feel like there's it's just very misunderstood a lot of people think that extraversion is,
it just always means like oh you're outgoing your super outgoing and your super social and you like to party all the time and introverts you know,
they're just quiet and shy and but that's actually not the case,
introverts can be outgoing and extroverts can be more quiet they and extroverts can even have social anxiety and so it can the outside behavior is kind of actually.
That doesn't actually help you figure that out as much so it's more about where you get your energy from,
so introverts get more energy from.
Their internal world and so it's more about like where you get your energy from and how much you are focusing on your internal versus external world.
[9:43] Okay okay.
[9:45] Does that explain it well enough.
[9:46] It does I think that well.
[9:47] Into anymore.
[9:49] Why don't you tell more of her story and then we can come back and talk about that more if we need to or explain what that.
[9:54] Yeah so,
I found this book called The introvert advantage and it really changed my life like as you can expect from the title it's when I first started learning like oh,
these are the strengths I have as an ink as an introvert and,
um I think like whenever you are really good at something sometimes you don't realize it's a strength because I just comes naturally to you and you don't realize like oh other people aren't good at this and.
[10:24] And so that book helped me because I just felt like,
I was just missing something by being an introvert and extrovert you know and so I started to learn like oh you know these are the things that extroverts are 10 generally better at but like these are the things that,
I'm actually more naturally better at than they are and so just like opened my eyes that you know these two things introversion vs. extraversion aren't it's not like one's better or lesser than the other they're just different they just have different sets of strengths and weaknesses.
Um but then I started to feel like,
like I still felt different from other introverts and that's when I started coming across like different,
like Myers-Briggs based on line kinds of tests and that's when I found out that I'm an infj,
and it's actually kind of crazy that I was tested right because a lot of online tests aren't super reliable because it's it's just hard to a lot of it is you know when you answer the questions that's kind of up to interpretation and,
I highly recommend if you want to really find out your type too,
either dive deep into it or just find an expert who knows about it and have them like there's people out there who do personality profiling sessions and.
[11:43] Do you want a real quick and again we can come back and talk about this a little bit more because this is part of your coaching and some of your other things that you talked about but what is the Myers-Briggs just so again if somebody doesn't know what that is and when you say infj they're like.
What is this mean not okay watch it as quickly tell that and then you can keep going through storing will come back and hit on it.
[12:02] Yeah so there's the MBTI which stands for Myers-Briggs type indicator and there's actually some other.
Personality theories,
based on very similar things they all come from Carl Jung's work and.
[12:26] That's okay I so tell the letters i you said you're an eye so there's basically like it I is introvert but you could be an irony right tells okay so explain that.
[12:37] Yeah so Myers-Briggs has dichotomies and so
it's all about how we each have different psychological preferences like they use that word preference in Myers-Briggs where it's like you have a preference for introversion versus extraversion,
intuition versus sensing thinking versus feeling and perceiving versus judging,
so yeah Myers-Briggs works in those dichotomies and there's other 16 type
systems as well that use cognitive functions that also I don't want to get too much into it right now but I just wanted to say that part because I'm technically not certified and mbti but I,
work I'm currently in an apprenticeship to learn another kind of like 16 type system that's based off of cognitive functions and.
[13:26] That's amazing that's where you could dive super deep and I'm sure Anna will give us some resources in a little bit where people can go.
[13:31] Yeah.
[13:32] They want to find out more and we'll come we'll come back and talk about it because personality test all those things are tools that me really helpful and just personal development and personal growth right,
okay so you're telling your story you found out took the test found out you're infj and then we're.
[13:46] Yeah so that was another big moment in my life and I remember I was reading the description and I just started crying,
because I had never felt more seen,
in my entire life like I kind of felt like I was weird and then I had like like having this label was like kind of actually comforting it's like oh there's other people out there like me.
[14:08] That's that's huge.
[14:09] And like the reason I had trouble finding very many people who kind of thought,
the same way that I did was because it was just like a smaller percentage of the population that had that personality type so it just like made more sense and.
[14:22] Yeah okay that's great well you're not a weirdo Anna but I'm glad you felt less like one than okay so then that kind of what happened from there is your learning this kind of spurred on.
[14:35] Yeah so I just kept studying it and learning about it and I went to college for counseling actually because I just I love psychology and I love helping people and that was originally my plan to become a counselor,
but during my time there I had to Professor's really encouraged me in my writing shoutout to Doug Lay and Kent Sanders.
Yeah so writing was something that I had put on the back burner I have a lot of different Hobbies like our whole family does.
[15:06] Yeah we got a lot of hobbies yeah.
[15:10] All the art and music and I just felt like I wasn't a very good writer so that's something that I had kind of let go and but then they those two professors really encouraged me and then I had to start a blog for a writing for publication class,
Professor Sanders and I'm the kind of person like I'm either all in or not so all or nothing so I went all-in I was the nerd who,
before the class even started like the summer before he told me that I was going to be needing to start a blog for the class so I started researching everything like how to start a blog like how to have build a brand and I just went all-in I bought a website,
I thought like might as well actually give this thing a real try yeah and so actually my first website was called an emotion.
[15:58] Oh yeah I forgot about okay yeah.
[16:00] Yeah and so then that evolved into now the real Anna.com after I got married because it's spelled ree L like my last name.
[16:08] We got to talk about this for me and I both fell into Happy coincidences are not the right word but I just happy situations with our last night because are given by birth last name is McConnaughhay I don't know if we probably haven't probably never.
[16:22] That would have been too hard to spell on a website name.
[16:24] Thirteen letters I mean literally so like my name you have a long middle name to we both have short first names
but then our middle names are long and then I think I literally have like 23 of the 27 letters and alphabet when it was Sarah Elizabeth because there's a Z in Elizabeth... McConnaughhay it was like how many more letters did you have so you we both went from 13 letter last names,
two four letter last names where one letter is repeated so you got real and so you've done a playoff on that I got good witch,
has now now that's something good podcast is not just it's a play on the name we do.
It's really our mom's fault I feel like we should just give her credit.
[17:04] Is a writer our dad is a preacher so they both are really good with words.
[17:08] Yes it was just by default that yeah you got more of the writing like the punny like that side I probably got more of just the talk a lot part of all of,
I'm not as creative in the although I can be when I have to give messages they can I can Channel dads in her like oh what do you call that Alison not the cross sticks but the.
What's it called when the letters right like alliteration that's the were all I could think of was sending them and I'm like sending them is not the right word yes a lot of.
[17:35] He likes those alliterations and Mom her children's books I think a lot of them had alliterations as well.
[17:40] So sorry friends we just it just comes out of us what can we say anyway okay so you started the blog,
got that started was an emotion now it's the real Anna and then that really kind of Sparks I remember when you were starting all of that and it just kind of sparked this whole journey of now it's a career and.
[17:58] Fell in love with it and,
remember I was praying about it because I again I'm an all-or-nothing person I was like this is going to be a lot of time if I'm actually trying to,
make money off of it if I'm trying to act like it was just taking up so much time so it's like I either need to let this like lower down to just a hobby and I can do it whenever
or continue to take it seriously and I decided to just keep on going with it.
And yeah so a few years later is when I started my YouTube channel,
because I was following someone named Brittany Boland and she does she's known for personality marketing she does a lot of,
she's a lot of good resources on video marketing and she talks about how video is the quickest way for your customers to like know and trust you.
You know versus when you,
read something and you can kind of hear the person's personality but in you can't really see their face maybe there's a picture on their website but like hearing our voice like right now you can
hear more of their personality or if you watch videos like I don't know if you've watched a lot of YouTubers and you feel like you know them like your friends even though they have no idea who you are.
[19:06] My kids in particular would think several people are they're BFFs if they met them right now but I love it okay.
[19:11] Yes I love it okay yeah so I started that because I knew that I was wanting to eventually you know maybe create courses or lead into coaching which now I have started and.
[19:23] I love it so tell me Anna then what's the real heart like you said your kind of tagline,
for hate to say taglines I must make it feels like it's a cliche and it's not I mean it's like a life phrase really,
live by know yourself grow yourself let's come back and talk about like why is it really so important why why have you decided to do this work why would you say that peoples
life can really be so much better by continuing to know know themselves more.
[19:50] Yeah so I have a big passion for it well first of all just my own personality I just love,
psychology and personality theory and understanding how people's minds work but aside from that just with my own experience like I remember that place in high school when I felt really down about myself and and
just didn't understand,
I just didn't fully see the strengths that I had I just felt bad about myself and even after learning some stuff I remember there is a time in college where another part of my story I have depression and but one of the things that,
triggered some of it was just not feeling good enough,
like I would see these other people who were so good at public speaking and just working with,
people and I loved people and but I just you know I have a very small energy tank and things like even this is just very difficult for me I process things very slowly I'm a much better writer than speaker,
for some reason there's just this time in college and it was just really getting me down and I was like how oh I remember I think part of it was also because I was training to be a counselor and I was like how am I supposed to be a counselor like I'm only going to be the take on like a couple clients at a time like,
I just,
I love to help people but I just feel like I can't like think as quickly on the spot I can't like those other things that you need to be able to help people live.
[21:14] In person so I remember like I even like I just remember I,
a few times I was just sobbing and.
[21:27] Begging God to it kind of sounds silly but like I feel like I was begging him to change my personality type like I was begging like,
could you please help me become more extroverted or like why did you create me this way I feel like I'm not good at anything and yeah I just felt like I was not good enough and like what like what is all these like these other skills that I have you know like I,
like I have this kind passionate heart I want to help people I feel like I have some good wisdom and you know these other things,
good at but I felt like what's the point in having that if I am not good at like speaking to people or like I can't like how do I then use it,
so yeah but then it kind of reminded me of,
Paul when he was talking about the thorn in his flesh you know and he cried out to God like three times but he didn't take it away,
and he said you know my grace is sufficient for you and then that very night
I remember it was like after my third time of asking God to change me pretty much because I wasn't fully understanding my own strengths like,
that night a friend came into my room and she was needing help she was needing some advice and I sat and I listened to her and I was able to help her and I remember she was leaving and she was so grateful and
afterwards I was alone in my room and I just I felt this whisper in the back of my mind that was like.
[22:52] See this is why I created you this way not very many other people would have been able to help her in that specific way that you did and that,
that was just a life-changing moment for me of just realizing like oh this is why God created me this way like this,
what I can offer to the world and that I have,
purpose and that this is you know I'm not just all of these weaknesses that I do actually have strengths that can be used and God will use them.
[23:23] Yes absolutely and I'm sure there are people listening that had felt that resonate really deeply with that because I think quite honestly if everybody listening and myself and we'll included we have all had moments,
make you you see somebody else or you see another gifts that are you see what whatever it is and we think well why don't I have that or if I could just have those things then,
I would be better at this and we miss something I've learned in my.
37 years of life that we miss so much of what God has for us when we don't want what we have and we want what somebody else has and I think of how many times I've probably missed out on some of what God wanted me to.
Because I was discontent or thought something was wrong with me and so I feel like it's just worth sharing again to everybody listening that if you're hearing this like there's nothing wrong with,
God doesn't make mistakes he created you with the exact personality with the hair,
the body type with the whatever it is the way he wanted you to be,
and it's our world in the things that happen around us that make us think that somehow we are less than or that we need to shift ourselves to be somebody else's perspective of us and our only
thing we need to do is continue to line ourselves up with who God wants us to be but that is so hard to do.
[24:43] Yeah so that's why I'm so passionate about this because I know that there are people out there just like what I experienced who didn't know who they were and didn't see the strengths that they have and like,
we're all so amazing like we all have these different unique strengths and it's beautiful and it's it reminds me of like,
the verses that talk about the body of Christ or like even if you're not a Christian listening to this like it's just a really good analogy of how you know we've got an arm and that does the things that are like we need an army deny we need to eyes and we need you know.
[25:14] You need a big toe someone has to be the big toe for balance and yes because some of them yes.
[25:19] We're like a puzzle to like we all like the world we're just all these little puzzle pieces and when put together and makes this beautiful picture and so I want to help people find where they fit where they belong in the big picture of things.
[25:33] I love that Anna and that's such a huge thing so we're going to talk more a little bit about this but I'm just going to give a plug right now and I'm not making a plug because Anna is my sister I would do this with anybody but Anna is going to talk more about her coaching and
read her blog she's got many blog posts to go back and look at the YouTube,
Channel videos that just would I think give some encouragement so and I do feel like we say something and I'm using a word so nobody get mad at me and I'm not saying this about my own sister this is a word she uses about herself so don't get it
if you use the word geek or nerdy a lot so you do have a lot because I that's what I said,
nobody I'm not calling my sister a geek or nerd like just let me be clear you use that word but I think it's so cool and I know we have some listeners that for sure have a bent towards that why don't you just why would you why do you label yourself that way sometimes I guess I would say
why don't you explain some of why you would say some of your things has like a little nerdy been.
[26:27] Yeah so I originally started my blog it was very broad just personal development and as,
I was learning more about myself and learning what things I could best offer to the world and help people with,
from my own experiences along the way I think it's just been within the year past year or two I just realized that,
I specially resonate with fellow Geeks and creatives because I am one and so I just and I had so much fun I remember I even tried it out one summer just for fun I had the series called the Geeks Guide to Life and I was kind of testing out like oh is this something that would interest piece,
and people really loved it and I've always had like lessons from film.
[27:09] Yes those are some of my.
[27:10] Superheroes and.
[27:13] So what would be particular just so if anybody's listening and just wants further connection what would be some of your favorite nerdy like movie genres or books or what.
[27:23] Well the Lord of the Rings is my favorite of all time I'm a big fan of Doctor Who Star Wars actually wasn't a huge fan of Star Wars until I started watching The Animated Clone War show,
is it just gave so much more background into everything and it made more things make sense and it just like a really rich World universe and.
[27:46] Worse Will's over behind thumbing up my family you also need to know the McConnaughhay family is huge in Star Wars and that's where I feel like the Oddball out I do not dislike Star Wars I am just not as fanatic about it probably as,
stuff my family I try though it's how I love every but I try I try.
[28:05] We
[28:06] Thank you I can only go so far though anyway okay so Star Wars what else lord of the.
[28:12] My goodness Star Trek Marvel DC all this.
[28:14] Okay all the we just watched the Wonder Woman movie to this is going to date this is I don't know when this is going to area but we've been together over Christmas and we just did will just real quick did you even talk about did you like the movie.
[28:26] It wasn't as good as I expected honestly but I did still enjoy it I feel like there's so many good elements in it but just something just felt a bit off for me.
[28:37] Okay that's foul.
[28:38] Yeah but I still enjoyed it so.
[28:40] No one would want my Real review because I don't I Wonder Woman is probably one of my favorite see I couldn't even tell you she's DC right not Mark see I bet I'm gonna be very quickly out of my eye she is probably my favorite,
probably across the board if I had the especially of the female genre.
[29:00] Lyla I love the first movie much more.
[29:03] Well then see them at the.
[29:04] And I have a blog post about the first movie.
[29:06] Okay we can link that.
[29:08] If you want to learn some lessons from Wonder Woman.
[29:10] I love it,
okay and so let's back okay so there's a lot of with personality and different things so let's back up here if you were if somebody's just kind of starting off and going okay I get this I do want to know more about myself,
um I want to learn more about my personality I want to learn some of these things where is a good starting point for anybody to begin because there's a there's a bazillion personal development books and,
I always prefer people's recommendations because I do think you have to be a little careful with personal development books you want to make sure you're really especially if you are a follower of Jesus just kind of.
Yourself along the way to make sure it just all lines up still with scripture but I think there is very much a place for both things because I think scriptures actually very clear and a lot of places it talks about I mean God did make us,
want to know and when we know more about ourselves it allows us to use the gifts God.
[30:00] Yeah exactly.
[30:02] For the world so if somebody's listening and like okay I'm really intrigued like where would you tell somebody to start with maybe some of the personal growth track.
[30:13] Like a lot like personality stuff specifically or personal growth follow my blog and my YouTube channel.
[30:15] Well well let's talk okay let's talk about yeah follow Anna's blog to find out more okay let's talk about the personalities of this is a big big thing and if people are really interested in it listening we can point out stuff more.
[30:29] So I need to give some disclaimers first that with all the personality stuff these
like I see people who take it either too seriously or they just don't give it any credit at all like some people you know they're like oh it's not scientific so why would you use it and but the thing is with anything in the psychology
realm with people like we can only kind of like measure,
external behaviors like we can't read people's minds we can't I mean there's dr. Dario Nardi actually does some brain scan work that has matched up with the cognitive functions and like Myers-Briggs kind of stuff,
it's really interesting Neuroscience of Personality that might be too deep to start with but for any.
[31:11] For those of you that are further along go there for those of you who are beginners like me don't don't last.
[31:17] Yeah so it's so personality stuff is never going to be completely objective so you know it's not like the end all be all but it can be a super helpful tool,
um to just I mean we need to be self-aware in order to grow right like you can't fix what you don't understand and both and just like I said before in the podcast of understanding your strengths,
to be the most amazing version of yourself you can be.
[31:45] I love it so if somebody was interested in like the my so there are several why don't you just real quick touch on.
We already said there's like Myers-Briggs to talk about Enneagram because that is personally one of my very
what are some other personality Avenue tools are those kind of the two that you would most recommend if somebody was going to go down a road.
[32:05] Well the thing with those two it's just I mean people are complex right so,
it needs to be kind of a complicated system if you're going to actually explain people very well and so it is something that,
[32:25] It takes some time right you want to take should take a little bit of time one clear most of what and I've learned this most within Ingram and particular a test isn't necessarily going to give you you kind of need to learn a lot about all the different things right to really.
[32:37] Yes yeah to confirm it yeah hmm and to understand it.
[32:43] Why don't you try still have somebody we can put it in the show notes like the Myers-Briggs.
[32:52] Yes but the thing with tests like that's what I started off with I used to recommend this one website to people all the time but then once I started learning more I realized how
it's just not super reliable because you know
we can interpret questions differently and the thing with Myers-Briggs is that it's.
[33:21] It's okay it's okay listen.
[33:22] I lost my train of thought.
[33:27] The Myers-Briggs.
[33:28] Can we pause to edit that part out and then I can come back.
[33:31] He cannot yet yep you were saying it's okay the Myers-Briggs are taught the test you're saying that.
[33:40] Had a good thought.
[33:41] That you're saying the Tet used to recommend the one test but now you don't.
[33:47] Yes okay so yeah with the with Myers-Briggs it's more about like how your brain processes things like how,
how you're observing things and how you're making decisions and so.
It's it's kind of hard to know the reason why someone's doing something so if you answer a question someone of a different type might answer it the same way but you're doing it for a totally different reason and so that's why if,
um you know if you're exploring at yourself and you just kind of want to take the test for fun and then kind of research it later to confirm then like that can be a good starting place but I personally recommend,
um finding someone who does personality profiling sessions like who does understand it because then,
they'll ask you questions and then they can ask follow-up questions so it's like you're getting at you know you might be answering the question but then you can find out,
well why are they doing this because that Y is what will actually be more of a determining factor of what your type actually is does that make sense.
[34:52] Yes hopefully we can't hear your will hear your virtual nodding saying yes to everybody online but know that that.
[34:57] Yeah and all but I'll give some may be in the description or the in the show notes that's what you call it yeah sorry I'm a YouTuber so we call it down in the description below your.
[35:08] It's all right you can call any one of those things people will find.
[35:11] But I can give some links that do have some good starting places to of explaining you know the Myers-Briggs dichotomies which is again the you know the eye versus e the introversion versus extraversion those kind of the letters and then also
if you want to go super deep into the cognitive functions.
[35:26] Okay see you lost me at cognitive functions I don't even know what that means.
[35:28] Okay so let me ask one behold.
[35:30] Okay so let me ask you this Anna and then we I want to talk about the Enneagram for a minute so if somebody is listening in like okay I feel like there's two tracks of people when you bring up.
[35:40] Mmm.
[35:41] There are the people that are like oh I love it I'm kind of in well there's lots of different people but the people that are I'm kind of intrigued by it but I don't know where to start and then there's the people that are like,
I don't need anybody to tell me I'm too complex and they're not right anyway which,
I would say sometimes I when I've done something like this does not explain me enough to know Wills giving me weird looks over your shoulder it's he said like,
put me in a little box like I am too complex like this is not.
[36:10] Yeah the thing.
[36:11] Tell people about all of.
[36:13] Yeah it's not to put you in a box it's just a help you know with all of this it's kind of more of the general patterns that we see.
And you know.
So actually I just did my first YouTube guest appearance on Joyce's Channel she has,
we can include that down below to but she has a series called type talks and she interviews different people different personality types but she had nine infj as come on,
each different Enneagram type and so there's things like that that can like we were able to compare and contrast like okay we're all infj is but this is we're kind of like a different flavor of infj
J based on our different Enneagram type and so there's different things like that can affect it as well so it's not like oh you all of all of you know you were only like,
one in 16 you know what.
[37:09] I think that's where it church people like right like I am this thing and I have to act this way or.
[37:14] Yeah yeah yeah.
[37:15] The introvert versus extrovert extrovert is like hey no they can still be a lot of different colors of the rainbow in every.
[37:22] Yeah yeah yeah it's not meant to limit you it's just to help understand more about yourself and it's like,
then you can determine where am I on this growth path so you know you just there's certain things that you might have in common that just it just gives you a good starting place of like where do I even start and trying to learn to grow it helps you develop that self-awareness.
[37:43] I think that's great well we'll make sure to link all of that below just real quick because Enneagram is a beast of its own to what is the Enneagram and how is that may be a little different than some of the other personality tests out there.
[37:56] Yeah so I will give a little disclaimer again to maybe take what I say about the Enneagram with a grain of salt because I am still new to that I I know a lot more about the Myers-Briggs kinds of systems than any a gram,
but from my understanding the Enneagram is more about,
inner motivations and how you see the world and your fears and different coping mechanisms that you have.
And defense mechanisms as well.
[38:26] I love it Enneagram has been one of my favorite tools thus far and I feel like has been the most eye-opening to me about.
That like the other ones have been great and I've learned a lot but for some reason that one just resonated more deeply with me and has been very helpful.
[38:43] We joke in the type Community about because like I'm on Twitter and so there's just a whole bunch of us that are into personality type that have all found each other and,
we kind of joke about how you know Myers-Briggs like it shows you your strengths and weaknesses but then Enneagram is just like here's how you're awful.
[39:00] Here's it does kind of because like when they give you the names like the title there's like a title for each number they're kind of,
you do you are a little bit offended where.
[39:10] Yeah.
[39:11] That's hold on.
[39:12] This one is even more so specifically for personal development I think.
[39:16] It yes.
[39:17] So it's showing you like here's where you're kind of struggling here's where you've built up defense mechanisms in the specific way so that then you can think they call integration in Enneagram like so you can become more whole and more balanced and.
[39:32] Yes it's been fun it's been a fun fun thing I like to ask people about their Enneagram type so if you are listening and you know Enneagram types feel free to comment on one of our post I personally would love to hear what number or wings are all the things you can go very very deep in all of it but.
[39:46] Should we share our type.
[39:47] Sure Anna what are you anyway.
[39:49] Think did we end up being the same.
[39:50] I think so but you know a few more than I do yeah and I know some I haven't dug super super deep it's taken me a while.
[39:58] In conversation to of how it flips like how it has like a different flavor based on our different other personality types how it comes out.
[40:04] Yes because I think if people met us or knew us they would probably they probably wouldn't think we were the same personality like the same.
[40:12] Yeah mhm.
[40:13] The Enneagram is a little different and we actually are the same integral number.
[40:17] I am an Enneagram one which depend its it can be nicknamed the reformer or the perfectionist.
[40:23] I prefer the reformer than the perfectionist but that's okay maybe that's my perfectionism coming.
[40:28] Very specific.
[40:31] Call me a perfectionist don't label me that like now I have to live up to some standard reformer sounds cooler.
[40:37] Yeah and that's something that I found interesting I think that's why I actually thought I was a 2 at first before I actually looked into it like when I took online test and just read descriptions like Obama to I am I like,
helping people like that's my main mode of it but then whenever I explored it more,
I realized yeah I'm a one that's my main motivation is to do a good job and to better my I mean I'm I'm a whole blog here can you tell like my,
I'm all about personal development.
[41:06] Yes type ones are the reformer really is the better it can sometimes come out like in that perfectionist thing mine comes out a little differently I feel like but it is that just a strong sense of right and wrong there's,
fairness to be good that the world is good and.
[41:21] Yeah.
[41:23] Can be good and so there's kind of all of that bent roped in.
[41:28] Yeah and I think I also didn't originally think I was a one because a lot of the descriptions sounded more like sensors like in the Myers-Briggs system you know the s,
I'm pretty sure you I'm still figuring out your type I'm going to have to have you do a session with you sometime.
[41:45] Yeah I'm a rare breed what can I say.
[41:48] So like that I think that's one of our differences of like you like to keep your home very beautiful and clean.
[41:54] Yes I'm very orderly yes.
[41:57] And I'm not that as much because I'm an infj so I'm not as I do,
particularly pay attention to my environment as much like it might bother me if like if someone comes over and my place is a mess but I'm more I don't know I'm more of a perfectionist in like,
of the words that I'm saying when I'm writing I'm like I'm very good editor.
[42:18] I know and that's good because they are varied because a lot of times people would see the ones that would be those misconceptions.
[42:24] Hmm.
[42:25] Is that it is like nothing can be out of place nothing can and like you just said it's very different for us how it but even with mine I do very much create like I just like cleanliness and Order and all of that kind of stuff,
but it's not I am not as perfectionist in like what I'm certain point I can just be like this is going to have to be good enough like I got.
[42:44] Hmm and me.
[42:47] This and I can't do it anymore.
[42:49] Embarrassed to admit but I might take like 30 minutes to send a text message.
[42:52] That's all right see that's how it all it just does all a little different so you should be freed up really well I think we're saying is like the personality,
to any of those Avenues are tools like Anna said they really should be freeing you up to learn more about how God uniquely wired and created you they shouldn't feel like it's this box,
finding in the should help you be able to learn and grow and explore more about who you are.
So I love it okay and let's talk about so it's a new year a new year is coming probably by the time people are listening to this we will already be in 2021,
and I know you're big on,
goals intentions what would be the word everybody kind of right now uses a different used to be like New Year's resolutions resolutions have kind of Taken on like a little bit of a bad word like people don't,
make the EO whatever you do whatever you want to call it so what's your kind of word for do you set goals you have intention do you make resolutions.
[43:45] So I do very much believe in smart goals you know specific measurable,
whatever the other ones are and but I do like I think like five or six years ago I started that tradition of choosing a one word or phrase,
to kind of be my theme for the year and I kind of like to think of it as like each year of your life is either like a different volume like a book volume or maybe a different chapter and so it's like what would be like the title of that section of your life or this this
theme that you're aiming for or you know,
maybe there's something that you're wanting to give more attention to like something that you know that like and this year I'm going to be working on these things or these goals and so I need this reminder for myself or maybe this covers like
some of the goals that I'm working on so the ones that I've chosen for this year is make mistakes.
Because I've been still very much struggling with my perfectionism you know we just talked about the Enneagram one,
and so someone else I recommend for the Enneagram is Beatrice Chestnut she has some really good content
and I've just started kind of exploring her but she talks about how you know all the other Enneagram types like these are the different areas where you can grow and improve,
but she says Enneagram one is different and that we need to get worse.
[45:14] I would believe that.
[45:15] Because we're already the perfectionist right we're so focused on trying to better ourselves to a fault.
[45:21] Cannot fail yes.
[45:23] And so she talks about getting worse to get better and so oh my gosh it hurts even just to talk about this right now,
but yeah so I've made it make mistakes so I'm gonna even in my I have my old plater in front of me right now but I just bought a new planner for 2021 it has some bullet pages in the back where I like,
I make my goals and everything but I made a page where I'm going to start listing all of my mistakes,
which usually would be a bad thing right pointing out your own mistakes but thing that I'm trying to do is work on myself talk to become more aware you know
taking every thought captive kind of thing of whenever I make a mistake and said of beating myself up about it because I have a very harsh inner critic I'm going to celebrate it,
because if I'm making mistakes it means that I'm actually doing things I'm taking action I'm taking risks I'm facing my fears you know and learning and growing so,
trying to shift my mindset to that.
[46:22] I love it I think there's some of you listening that maybe that needs to be your phrase to but it let's talk about this because some people listening might be well-versed in like yes I have a word or a theme I do that every year some people might be like
I don't really know what you're talking about I've never done this before like how would you suggest to somebody brand-new starting maybe ins like you know I kind of like this idea I would kind of love to have a focus or a theme for the year how does one
find or figure out what that is.
[46:48] Yeah to plug myself again I do have a blog post that goes even more into detail about it and I have a free worksheet if you sign up to my mailing list,
the real Anna.com so yeah I talk about a lot more there but I kind of go about it bye,
reflecting on my previous year you know what worked well what didn't you know this past year was especially crazy,
so I don't know maybe you need like Grace or something like I don't know I don't know what you're dealing with but yeah and then to think on,
like what am I what would I like to be in 2022 like what what is my aim kind of thinking farther ahead,
um what's that quote by Viktor Frankle I have it in the blog post was a really good quote that inspired one of my questions that I kind of just said it just now but thinking about,
like what oh how does he word it.
[47:45] It's all right.
[47:46] I would have so much better my blog post but so you can check that out but yeah it's just thinking ahead of like,
what things would I regret not doing this like if I'm in 2022 what things would I regret having not done and then you just do it instead.
[48:03] I think everybody because I think we all to a point live like you just don't know and it's kind of like hey if I if I could if I had the ability to zoom a year ahead and,
what would I do differently in the great thing is you really can on some level because we can look back now and 2020 and again even though 20/20 had a lot of very unforeseeable things happen we still aren't can control of our perspective on it are
how we respond to it and so going like yeah who what's the person I want to continue to be and what are the things that are going to help serve me to be able to be that person.
[48:38] Yeah and so it can be some kind of attribute or affirmation for yourself or you know this there's quite a few different ways you can go about it,
but I do may I say one thing it's a little bit off topic but I just wanted to say it for those listening because you know 2020 has been a hard year,
and especially for me as I've still been working on my perfectionism and like having to remind myself like
I can't live by what my circumstances used to be like we have to like doing your best involves doing your best with the time you have with the resources you have with the energy you have and like taking in consideration,
your circumstances and I sometimes forget that a lot,
and so I just wanted to encourage everyone out there as you're setting goals for this next year remember that they're not supposed to be like.
You know I think of like deadlines that has dead in it like they're supposed to be like your lifelines it's supposed to it's for you and so if it's no longer serving you you can change your goals later you can I just want everyone to enter this year giving yourself Grace,
and not beating yourself up if unexpected things happen you know we're still in a pandemic right now at the time we're recording this and probably will be for a while,
so there's just a lot of unexpected things happening right now and so just remember to give yourself Grace remember that you can shift your goals like because they're meant to be for you.
[50:06] Yeah,
let's talk about that first thing because I think that's what happens is so often there's probably people listening or that are like okay I used to set goals this year after year I never accomplished them and so getting to the beginning of a new year actually feels like a slap,
face and it feels sad because it's just a reminder of all the things I,
do that I wanted to do and I've talked to quite a few people like that was like well I don't make goal you know and it really does kind of make me sad because again they shouldn't be like you said they shouldn't feel like these deadlines or like hey the beauty is there the goals you're making,
you can change your in control of them so could it because I think that does trip quite a few people up and we had some friends on,
earlier this year Matt Granado's he is life pulse think they have this whole planner that's about,
goal setting and just all it's so huge and about Focus if you miss that episode I would highly encourage you to go back and listen to Matt talk about it too because it was just really just another good,
active on setting goals and what that looks like because we talked a lot about like hey we were towards the end of this year and a lot of people probably gave up on their goals,
or they got slow down and it's like hey that's okay like let's move on but what advice would you give to people as they're trying to set goals that are,
maybe manageable because someone like our personality type might also be like I'm going to write.
[51:25] Pulitzer Prize novel this year whatever you like this it's like okay well those are great and maybe for some people that is a realistic,
dream and I'm not saying don't do that but how do we maybe actually find goals that are more on Brandon on Pace for where we're at.
[51:42] Well I will plug myself again I have a YouTube video called how to set goals during uncertain times,
I give a lot more there if you wanting to learn even more but yeah first of all like again just to give yourself Grace and know that things might shift,
and to become more comfortable with that I mean that's why I've made my theme for this year make mistakes and because like to try to get out of that mindset of like,
if I don't reach this goal I failed and that's not the case you're learning more about yourself you're learning what doesn't work like even if that's all that happened this year like you learned what didn't work for you that's still beneficial,
and again to remember that each of us are different like that's part of why I wanted to start my blog.
[52:28] Always because there's so much advice out there,
that is very cookie cutter but like we are not cookie cutter people and I think it's because they don't they just might not fully understand themselves like how people are different because they're just like oh this work for me so this must be what works,
and so they kind of like preach that of like this is only way to do this and so I just wanted to remind everybody again that if you're trying to follow the advice of,
you know some self-help Guru or like even your friends and it's not working for you that there's not something wrong with you it's very likely that you're just a different personality type,
and so again like it comes back around to like the more you learn about yourself you'll be able to learn what works for you because again what works for Sarah might not work for me and vice versa and so we can't be trying.
[53:18] No that's good something I found in will and I so I don't know when this is going to air so there might be cross information so we'll and I are going to do an episode talking about just kind of our process individually and together
other how we kind of look back and whatever but one thing I've really learned that's helped me over the last few years is to not go like I want to lose 15 pounds like,
I want to like to actually for me because I'm such a perfectionist or
over and I will hold so highly to the written thing I put out is to actually help myself by giving myself Grace and even how I worded,
to say hey I want to be healthier and today that looks like X Y and Z not a certain concrete end,
and realizing that often we sometimes limit ourselves by.
[54:02] Yeah.
[54:03] Where you could go further the wait one is not always a great because it really should just be I want to be healthier anyway or I want to start a blog or we this year we started a podcast actually in 2020 that was not a goal,
excuse me that we knew we wanted.
And so it's not like hey we have some goals for it but it wasn't like we want to have a million it was like hey we want to tell good stories and we want to do this and we want to tell these many things that just kind of leave it,
open-ended but still has a goal that is still quantifiable a little bit but not so concrete.
[54:33] Yeah and I think
bring it back again to that's where it's good to know yourself because yeah at times like in my life it was very good to follow that advice of you know having very specific measurable
goals and and having deadlines and having very specific numbers and so that might still be what you need
but you know right now I'm in a season and actually for the past few years because I was in 2018 I was dealing with health issues and then like some depression stuff and it was just really throwing me off because I had everything like,
I knew myself well I knew like when my most productive hours of the day I had it all set and then everything changed and now it seems like every day,
it's just unpredictable and so I don't it's it's just harder for me right now in this season and probably for a lot of people because
20:22 know what I'm actually it's just hard to set realistic goals because everything is just so unpredictable right now.
[55:29] I want to travel five times Well we don't know you like yes so I think,
great I love the advice on this the goal is finding things that work for you and again just like everything your goals and my goals might look very different and that's okay,
they need to be for you,
I love it okay and I want to just real quick because I've got several things I want to touch on and we the time always goes way too fast on our show talk to me you just recently started a coaching program
can you just tell a little bit about what that is and if somebody is wanting to know more just like hey I need some help what would you what is your new service kind of providing.
[56:04] Yeah so I just launched a coaching business called the pen pal coach and it's called the pen pal coach because I actually,
do coaching through email and I also send them special goodies in the mail little surprise is yeah and so,
it's especially for you know it's introvert friendly or busy life friendly you know because you know you don't have to set a specific appointment you can just,
email me whenever and you unlimited access to me so yeah it just fits in with your with your schedule you know if you are an introvert and you're trying to go after your dreams and maybe
you know going on more podcasts are like doing things that are draining you I just didn't want to be another thing to drain people I wanted to just be
a benefit to them as they're working towards their goal so yeah that's my main focus is helping people with their goals and of course like with everything I do you know I throw in some personality and self-awareness kind of work in that because again like I think that's the key
knowing yourself to be able to grow and reach your goals I throw in some geeky elements like you can tell right away if you go to my website it just kind of has like a bit of a fantasy kind of theme
I gamified it a bit so you get stickers mailed to you that you can you can unlock achievements so when you
accomplished certain Milestones or certain tasks that we work on together you can get those stickers that are exclusive.
[57:28] And I always start everyone off with I wrote this ebook that's just a very good starting place to kind of cover some basic personality things I actually go over Gretchen rubin's the 4 tendencies
either you can go search that or I don't know if we'll have time to talk about that later but because I think it's a very helpful tool
that's a simple one to get started but it's very specifically helps you when you're trying to work towards their goals and I just cover other things and then it becomes more personalized,
as we go on because again everybody's different and so I will help you kind of figure out what works for you and what doesn't.
[58:03] That's perfect well if you're looking for some extra help check out pin pal coach and maybe Anna will be able to assist you.
[58:11] Yeah I have some different packages that's like I think 3 6 and 12 months and then I also have a starter pack where you get the e-book and just one week of coaching with me to kind of JumpStart,
so depending on your budget or if you just want to kind of DIY at yourself but you're just wanting some help getting started I have that available as well.
[58:28] That's awesome I think a lot of people could benefit from sometimes you said sometimes you need a little outside perspective to and just somebody to listen and go hey how about have you tried.
[58:36] Yeah yeah.
[58:37] Here's here's the thing so coaching is such a great thing and can be very beneficial.
[58:42] Yeah and I've personally benefited from that from others as well.
[58:45] That's awesome that's very cool okay Anna is there anything we didn't cover that you want to talk about or touch on that we didn't.
[58:52] Hmm I guess I could just real quick we thought a lot at you but.
[58:59] We have a lot of terms are like what am I.
[59:01] You know since it is the beginning of the year I do highly recommend Gretchen Rubin she's a she's just a very well-known she's a best-selling author and just in the personal development Niche and she's done research on
just like y,
do some people struggle with their goals and other people don't and like how like you know that kind of stuff and so she's developed these 4 tendencies that it kind of explains like how readily,
you meet inner versus outer expectations,
so there's four of them and I think it's super helpful because you know accountability is something that's often.
[59:45] Said as like everybody needs accountability but there's actually one type called The Rebel,
tendency that actually accountability has kind of the opposite effect on them because they struggle to meet inner and outer expectations I think like the phrase she gives with them is like
um you can't make me and neither can I don't know if you've met someone like that or if you are someone like that out there and so,
it's just very helpful tool and kind of seeing like oh how like for example I thought I was the upholder which is good at meeting,
outer and inner expectations so,
but because like I was valedictorian at school and but then I realized afterwards when I started not having that outside accountability that I really struggled.
[1:00:32] And so I realized that I'm actually the type called the obligor because there's the upholder that,
easily meets inner and outer expectations and then the opposite is the rebel,
and then on either side you have the questioner who more easily meets their own expectations and struggles with others,
expectations on them and less of it you know lines up with their own inner expectations and then the opposite of that is the obligor,
which is you know it's kind of reminds me of the Enneagram to with the obligor of like is just more easily meets other people's they just more easily can serve other people and do things like that but they struggle with their own goals,
and so I realized that I was actually that because I was struggling when I didn't have that outside accountability and so that's something I learned for myself that,
having some kind of outside Source like even if it's like kind of made up like having a planner and my task list or knowing that like oh my followers know that I post on these days or you know that kind of,
external accountability is helpful for me but you know that's it just again different people work different ways and so I think that's just a very helpful tool,
for people wanting to work towards their goals and get some help with that.
[1:01:46] Yeah that sounds great because that does like said just knowing yourself and how,
those things can best serve you is huge so maybe one of your goals just here needs just to be I need to learn a little more about myself and I need to do a little more self-discovery and find some things out so you know better for the.
[1:02:01] I'd say maybe don't go for all of these all at once maybe out at you and I just you know I wanted to give you some options you know so maybe one of these sounded more interesting to you or like hey that might help me with what I'm working on right now.
[1:02:16] That would be my personality about I'm going to do all five of these things right now I'm a figure it out and I'm going to be the best at whatever it can be don't do that.
Set yourself up for failure that's what what happened pick one figure it out and and Anna where can people follow you find you if they want to ask more questions what's the best.
[1:02:35] Yeah so my main website is the real Anna.com and it's spelled like my last name ree l,
um and then just almost all over social media anywhere I'm most active on Twitter but I'm everywhere at the real Anna,
um and then I you can get to my coaching through my website so if you remember one thing the real a.com you can find everything there but II do have a website separate that spin pal coach.com for my coaching.
[1:03:03] Awesome and will link all that in the show notes to so you guys can easily find it okay Anna so this has been very fun this wasn't too painful was it.
[1:03:11] No
[1:03:12] Okay good do you have any I feel like I need to act because you're actually Elena I think said this when you came in,
you're our first family member who is not like currently does not live inside the walls of my own house that has been on the podcast so that's exciting do you have any like,
be nice but do you have any stories or anything you want to share about growing up with me as your sister we have a little it's a little weird for it because I'm actually almost 11 years older than you so we actually.
[1:03:38] Yes so you're out of the house by the time I was like.
[1:03:42] Yeah you were like 10 or 11 and I when I got married so we didn't get to spend a lot of your like the early growing up years together.
You have anything you want to share about being my sister.
[1:03:55] I might be a little biased but I remember when I was a kid I just always thought you were the most beautiful.
[1:04:00] Oh goodness.
[1:04:01] And the most beautiful singer and I always wanted to be just like you.
[1:04:05] Well that is very I did not pay her to say that if that's not what I expected her to say that's very.
[1:04:09] I really did I just always looked up to you and.
[1:04:12] Thank you Anna I thought it was the coolest thing I wanted I have a younger brother so we have a brother Nathan and he's two and a half years younger than I am and I loved having him as a but I always wanted a baby sister so I remember when my parents told me like I first of all
I was convinced from day one that I was getting a sister so good thing that you were a sister I probably would have been
very disappointed but one of the sister in one of my favorite memories is Anna would always you would dress up in all these different costumes different things and one year for my birthday I had friends over and you were like the Birthday Fairy it was like one of my favorite you had all these little things set up,
you had your lip that's one of my favorite things so.
[1:04:48] I like doing birthdays apparently I was because I remember also like either for your 15th or 16th birthday like I guess I was like five or six and I planned all these things for you I made a pinata out of paper because I like doing crafty things and.
[1:05:02] Maybe is part of a one person that we like parties it's one more healthy we go to Enneagram sevens which are like the.
[1:05:07] Oh yes there we go.
[1:05:09] Because I do like a good party.
This one okay and one last question so the podcast is called now that something good so do you have anything good that you want to share with us.
[1:05:20] I do I actually found a quote that I really liked that I wanted to share I think of something good so it's a quote from Anne Frank.
And it says everyone has inside of him a piece of good news the good news is that you don't know how great you can be how much you can love what you can accomplish and what your potential is.
[1:05:42] I love that I feel like that needs to be a new part of our pack that's like our whole.
[1:05:46] Good because the good news and related back to personality to of like yeah goals nailed it.
[1:05:50] I love it that's definitely something good loved it awesome see that wasn't a mistake you have to try again on another that was a good one awesome thanks Anna for being here.
[1:05:58] Awesome thanks again for being here thank you.