Now That’s Something Good Podcast

New Game Discovery

Will Good Season 1 Episode 17

Will gets an education about a new game the kids have been playing. Part PSA, part adult education, the Good kids unpack an interesting new game you can play together or virtually this holiday season. This holiday season may look quite a bit different than previous years. But that also creates new opportunities to find joy together in-person or virtual. 

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Now That's Something Good Podcast by Sarah Good is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

[1:58] Hey everybody welcome to this special edition of now that something good Sarah is gone and out of town and so I had a couple questions that came up,
from observing my kids play around the house and me,
I've been accused of being an imposter a bunch of times and then I'll run away or somebody like hey what's up son so you sus and I have no idea what in the world that stuff means so this episode,
is going to serve as kind of a public service announcement for all of us folks who have no idea about this Among Us phenomenon or you may,
that you have an idea of I believe it's called among honest I am serious guys I feel like that you know that parent that I said,
I promised I would never become the parent who has no idea what their kids are talking about but for real if you are a parent or you're just a friend of,
Young Folks you might want to know what Among Us means so joining me in the studio today are two special guests good friends of mine,
they have my red hair and partially my DNA to Welcome to the podcast Lillian and Evalyn say hello.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[3:10] Hi hello.

[3:11] Cool Evelyn you got to get closer when you speak because you were much farther away from,
Lillian just to make sure you know farther away from the microphone so great well tell me until our listeners all about Among Us I don't really know anything other than I heard about it like,
listen to y'all listening to YouTubers and then now you're playing the games and getting the stickers and actually playing it around the house tell me what is Among Us where did it come from.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[3:40] Well it's a game it's on mobile and also on computer,
and Lincoln and Lane I don't do as much as the playing I think they usually just watched the YouTubers play it,
but Evelyn and I usually play with our friends like I play with my friends all the time we have the,
we have a group chat where we were like oh we're playing you can play you know I've on Dune explain how the game works,
um sure so basically there is one imposter or two or three you can pick
like on the game like how many you want but and then there's crewmates which usually I always get a crew mate,
it's kind of hard to get imposter but you just randomly pick almost.

[4:27] Okay so it's a game it's a it's a mobile game or is there like Xbox.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[4:34] No I don't think so I'm feel like they might come out with it but yes.

[4:37] So it's it's own game okay great and its multiplayer or is it only like people in your family or how do you.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[4:43] It's you can play it multiplayer or like the each of the games you play It's like a it's like usually a server but there's a code and like if you and your friends play that could give each other the code then you can join it.

[4:53] Gotcha so you go on the same.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[4:55] My friends and I do.

[4:55] Among this world using are.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[4:57] Yeah it's very similar to Mafia and I think the game has been around for a while but like recently it just got super popular.

[5:06] Interesting well I don't even know what Mafia is.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[5:09] Um okay well it's explanation
and the game you either become an imposter or a crew mate in the crew mates job is to go around and like this little ship it's like a little
animation of like a ship and you can go around and you find this your task you're trying to get all your tasks done before
the imposters kill everyone so the imposters job is they go around and they're sneakily killing people when they have the chance are like pretending they're doing tasks,
and then crewmates can sometimes find the body and they report it and then you all come together and you try to figure out,
who the Imposter was in like you can vote and the basically just the game goes on until the imposters killed everyone or the crew mates figure out who it is.

[5:51] Okay while you're playing can is there anything visibly different between an imposter and a crew mate on the screen they all look like the same little.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[5:59] No yeah for a crew mate yes when you're the Imposter like it tells you who you are when you're an imposter your name is Dick your name is red but only to yourself.

[6:10] That makes sense okay great alright let me play that back then you're on a ship type animation and you have a task everybody has a task if you're the Imposter your task is probably to annihilate everyone I'm guessing,
and if you're a crew mate tell me what kind of tasks do you have and are those tests just for you or it is all of the crew mates have the same task.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[6:32] All of the crew mates like have the same task some of them are different but usually you'll have the same task of everyone else yeah there's like different rooms like admin like electrical like a bunch of different types.

[6:46] And do you have just I have one task and I'm done or you have a task in each room.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[6:49] You can decide in the game settings but usually there's like different tasks like there's longer tasks you could have the shortest but usually you have more than one task.

[6:57] Got it okay and what happens when I get all my tasks done if I'm a crew mate.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[7:01] You can just run around there's usually like a security and and security room where you can like like watch like little cameras and see if there's anyone acting sus Sasha suspicious.

[7:11] Suspicious not suspect suspicious SAS.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[7:14] Suspicious yes us.

[7:16] No no I see this is this is knowledge for the listening World here very good okay so are you sus means are you suspicious,
very good and that's really cool so how do you end up playing then in the house like with not on the game the digital game when you get Elena and Lincoln together and you decide to play Among Us how do you play.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[7:43] So it's basically like the same thing but in like real life so we'll have like a button,
which like we used to Santa Claus button and so when you click it it makes it like a loud noise so let's say that someone died then you would run over to the button click the button and that's basically like a report so then
you would have heard that you guys would all vote and then the task would be like,
for example like lighting a candle candle so you have to light a candle and then you got that test done and then once you get all your tasks done you just go looking around for bodies.

[8:22] Interesting wow what's the craziest body you've ever found.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[8:27] They're like all the same yeah we there's like different colors like blue pink you get to pick your color.

[8:35] Color of the body or the color of your player.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[8:37] Color of your player but like your boss different accessories yeah.

[8:40] In the game how does the Imposter how do they kill you they dislike touch you or they.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[8:45] There's like little buttons on the side of the screen like winter by someone it says kill you can like click the kill button.

[8:51] But only if you're the Imposter or everybody gets that.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[8:54] Only if you're in the Imposter yeah.

[8:55] And if you're a crew mate to get like buttons like hug or kiss or high-five or you know get.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[8:58] No buttons like report body when you're by it or like I was like I used buttons that's like that's how you click like the different,
so if you're the Imposter there's like a sabotage sabotage oh yeah.

[9:13] Sabotage.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[9:14] Yeah we're kind of like a mess is of the crew mate so if you cook sabotage you like see the map of the ship and like you can click different rooms and they can like shut doors are start like start like the oxygen can go out like the crew mate just posed to go around,
go to the oxygen things and maybe like Preston like a number or something as fast as I can.

[9:31] Interesting wow for the plot thickens in Among Us okay Evelyn I think you got you have some stickers,
for those who don't know Evelyn is trying to work on a business a really cool business where she's making
custom-made bracelets and I think she wants to have some bonus stickers as part of that business when she makes us a sale so be on the lookout for Evelyn's Instagram page for opportunities to buy some custom bracelets that will be hits with the kids for sure
but there's something there's stickers you got a whole like a pack of Among Us stickers what or what what kind of things would I find in Among Us sticker pack.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[10:06] Like they would be like different colors like you you don't pick the colors but like I'll pick them for.

[10:14] Just a square of pink and purple and black and green color.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[10:19] Like almost like that but then there's also ones that's just like crew mate like like a tiny crew mate thing like it's yeah.

[10:26] Picture of a crew mate and their different colors oh I got you.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[10:28] Yeah in like and posture and like a dead body one and like yeah.

[10:35] Interesting are there sabotage buttons sabotage stickers.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[10:40] No

[10:42] Okay and like if you are a crew mate and you get a sticker that says imposter and you put it on you're not going to like diarrhea,
okay just making sure everybody knows the stickers are safe they don't come with any inherent risk okay interesting,
yes okay that's great okay what else what else should people may not know this is like telling secrets of a generation here that you know will have to
one that getting pulled from the air for this but what other Among Us Secrets or you know things should we know those those of us who,
don't have any clue I feel like I'm a lot smarter now because before this conversation I had really no clue,
other than IQ saw us and but sorry about that Master I really know anything what else you have to tell us.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[11:27] I say definitely try to play with a group of friends because it's really funny and basically you just mute yourself while you're actually playing the game and when you like when someone finds a body like unmute yourself and you guys can just talk amongst yourselves,
Among Us and.

[11:42] I see what you did.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[11:43] Yeah and it's just really way more fun when you play with friends and it can be really funny.

[11:49] Okay so if you have any upcoming dinner parties dear listeners among us might just be the coolest thing,
particularly as you get ready to go into the holiday season and because of covid-19 there's a lot of virtual recommendations for Gatherings and get-togethers you might want to try Among Us,
among yourselves among your family among your friends in fact maybe we should do that virtually on our holidays coming up.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[12:13] I need to see that.

[12:16] Will your grandma grandpa the you just got called out okay good.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[12:20] I don't watch this right.

[12:22] They might listen to it I'm pretty sure they do so you just got called out for being Among Us noobs but you'd be just like me because I have never played before is there a new like I know Minecraft they would call someone like me a noob.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[12:35] Yeah that's what Lincoln.

[12:36] Used to be greenhorn like that back in my day greenhorn was the new person Noob is there a name a different name a cooler newer name for,
being a first time Among Us players.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[12:48] Just just yeah just there.

[12:53] Okay is it mirrored I hear banging on the door.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[12:56] Imposter is trying to get us.

[12:59] There's an imposter.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[13:00] Oh yeah we forgot to tell him about the vent oh yeah.

[13:02] Tell me oh wait wait wait hold on a second did it breaking news.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[13:06] So basically sometimes like on the ground they'll be like event so you can like click vent when you're the go in yeah when you're in the posture,
and then you can go in the vent and then you can like there's all these other events around the area so then like,
it will show you to another vent so then you,
about of that Finch so you can get places you easier like if you killed red and I'm blue then blue can easily vent and then go to a different room so people.

[13:38] Don't know that I was there I could sneak around a little Ezra Bridger action for those Star Wars Rebels fans.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[13:43] And there's another.

[13:45] Probably like one other person listening.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[13:48] And there's an emergency button real like let's see someone saw someone vent,
so you can like go to the others like a cafeteria and the map and there's like a table if like the emergency but how you can click the button and say oh I saw blue vent or whatever,
so then you know that because if you see someone that you know that they're the Imposter x no one else can vent except for them.

[14:07] Got it only the Imposter can vent.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[14:10] Yes.

[14:11] Interesting okay has nothing to do with anger issues it just means in the game,
only the Imposter could vent okay great thank you for that that knowledge it's really good okay well hey guys we're going to be right back in just a moment and I'm going to have Elena and Lincoln come on so you're going to hear,
all about Among Us from a 10 and a six-year-old so stay tuned.


[14:41] Hey guys we're back right now and I have in the studio now Elena,
who is 10 and Lincoln whose six years old Lincoln's been on the podcast here and Eileen has done a little voice over work to for us so welcome guys back to now that something good,
now today we've been talking about Among Us the new,
you know crazy game that you guys sometimes play around the house and I just have a couple questions for you is tell me what you know about Among Us let's start with Elena first Elena what do you know about the game and Among Us.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[15:10] It's a game and basically the main point is to if your a crew mate,
to survive and do all your tasks before then the Imposter kills everybody.

[15:27] Okay before the Imposter kills everybody right do your.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[15:30] Postures.

[15:32] And Lincoln what do you think is there anything you'd like to tell us about the game Among Us.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[15:36] So you can create your own game it and and and,
and when you are and when you are impacted I want it real partner.

[16:02] You know we want an impact stuff it and if it is.

[16:17] That means the world to me.

[16:20] Crew mate okay and do you get to pick your own this is one question I had do you get to pick your own color when you start the game.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[16:26] Yeah.

[16:26] Oh you do sometimes.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[16:28] And you can pick your own hat and dance so if you keep on singing your hats minigame something real
try a big company and pasta and if you are going to rain will come in
impact star a lot of signs.

[16:48] You just like so you can kind of hack hack the game so you get to be the Imposter based on the clothes the the colors you pick.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[16:54] I don't think you could do that I don't know.

[16:56] Lincoln you thinks okay okay it's a good theory though maybe we should test that out.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[17:00] Roxy and Syria,
my mind's next are yummy have ending that for Young's eminent Indian Pakistani I'm saying.

[17:15] That's really interesting Lincoln will have to validate whether or not you can influence your role as becoming you're getting chosen as the Imposter based on the outfits you to select or the,
okay Elena I wanted to get some feedback from you tell me about the ways you can customize your Among Us character.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[17:34] Well you can choose hats are like a body outfit for the ALF for The Outfits on you can pick like job outfits so like you could be a police officer,
construction worker and then there's random hats like you can have two fancy ads on top of each other like a banana peel.

[17:57] That makes a lot of sense because a lie.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[17:59] I like a balloon.

[17:59] I've seen the some stickers that Evelyn got and I was wondering what this completely random okay well tell me about your favorite outfit if you if you had to pick in Among Us outfit right now to wear in real life what off of a doer.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[18:13] I probably do like the weird big clown hat thing.

[18:17] Clown hat okay Lincoln what.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[18:17] And then,
I want incoming traffic and by the way on some and so you can have.

[18:41] Can you send a text.

[18:47] My interesting but police officer for you that's good that's good to hear okay great fantastic how many times have you Lincoln been the Imposter when you play.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[18:57] Maybe eight signs.

[19:02] And how did that go for you were you able to annihilate everyone Among Us or did they find you.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[19:06] I only killed some people and ask him and when you talk to the emerging world anymore.

[19:38] Okay yep can eliminate eliminate somebody interesting very interesting Elena tell me about how many times you've been in Monster.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[19:46] Well I've only played one time and I'm pretty sure that I was not then posture so probably easier time.

[19:53] You didn't know are you talking about real life here in our house or are you talking about the game on a device.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[20:00] We did on the device never and same in real life because we played Among Us and real.

[20:05] Okay right so a Lincoln you've ever played Among Us on the device were just here in real life in our house,
both okay cool tell me Lincoln in the game or even in the house I guess Elena is there a way to vent if you're the Imposter here in the house.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[20:19] You can if like you have random holes in your house meet certain part by the colored boxes and put.

[20:40] Then we car and door locks mace.

[20:44] Okay do you think that your friends would enjoy that if their parents installed various venting systems that you could crawl through to play real life Among Us game.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[20:53] My eyes yes oh my gosh yeah.

[20:55] Yeah okay so parents out there friends of now that something good if you want to have a you know hootenanny kind of time over the holidays here this winter install some vent so that your kids can crawl through them as part of the in-home Among Us game,
what's up what's the last thing I'll give you guys the last word what else would you like to say and tell our friends here listening about the game Among Us.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[21:18] Okay.

[21:26] Only imposters can.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[21:39] And it's it.

[21:41] You will spawn a ship that's right we heard from,
Lillian and Evalyn that it's all takes place in a ship okay and last question for you Elena if among us could come out with a new map that's not inside of a ship where would be fantastic Among Us map to play.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[21:57] Probably in Antarctica because I feel like it's colder and you can just let if you wanted to eliminate somebody then you just put them with no jacket outside.

[22:11] Okay cruel and unusual punishment from Elena very good old Lincoln has something to say what is it bud.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[22:13] Pan in the ship.

[22:24] And you can always find on the ship you're just how the game works today.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[22:26] Yeah you can say no I'll be sending pain up in manga seeds pan and charade sick and you can't eat the pot it.

[22:37] That makes sense cool well thank you Elena and Lincoln for sharing with our listeners more about Among Us,
what's some advice that you could give,
give our listeners about playing Among Us inside their house though that's one other thought I had is if you want to have a real game of Among Us physically inside of your house not the digital kind what some advice you could give to our friends listening Elena.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[23:00] Well this is an imposter one so if you're an imposter
and real life among us you want a you would want to know where everybody is so then you can plan out the kills perfectly so then there's only one person left and then he won.

[23:18] Lincoln anything for you.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[23:20] You could.

[23:34] Dress up as that color.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[23:48] And I into the rocks to sing needs and.

[23:54] One a and the rest sees.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[23:56] No I mean the Roxy.

[23:59] One eye and they're asleep okay so with your plan.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[24:01] And if you want.

[24:03] So let me let me explain that if you're going to learn how to play let's say you have eight people at your house you want to have,
one letter i in a pile of papers and how many Lincoln this is for you if you have one letter I how many letter sees would you need to have if you have 8 people playing.

[24:23] People playing and you give one Iowa how many people need how many letter sees would you have to pick,
seven that's right yep good math okay very good so that's a good hint about playing Among Us,
now as we end every podcast episode I'm going to ask you one special question okay Lincoln tell me something good about playing the game Among Us.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[24:48] You can be an impact.

[24:55] Being the Imposter okay Elena tell me something good about the game Among Us.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[24:59] You get to you get to learn how to do karate and be sneaky in line to see you.

[25:06] Wow that sounds really good and definitely lots of kids on the naughty list okay thanks.

Alaina And Lincoln:
[25:11] Definitely.

[25:13] Okay Lillian and Evalyn because the podcast is called now that something good tell me something good about Among Us Lillian.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[25:21] Something good for me is the satisfaction of killing the crew mates when you're the Imposter I don't know why it's just very satisfying.

[25:30] That is definitely something good okay Evelyn what something good to you about the game Among Us.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[25:34] What's something good to you about the game probably because you can like play with your friends and family and she's really fun and like it's addicting so.

[25:43] Fantastic all right good thank you girls so much for being on the show.

Lillian And Evalyn:
[25:47] Yeah.