Now That’s Something Good Podcast

Thanksgiving with Now That’s Something Good

Sarah and Will Good Season 2 Episode 39

Sarah is joined by her husband, Will, to reflect on gratitude. In this episode they read out what some of the listeners shared on social media.

Here at Now That’s Something Good we believe in the power of story. This holiday season, we challenge you to listen. You never know what good you’ll get from hearing someone else’s story. And take heart! Your story can bring encouragement, hope, and challenge to those around you. Be kind, be considerate, be brave - tell your story!

Wishing you many things good,

Sarah & Will

P.S. Sarah gave a shout out to one of our season one guests, Megan Wilson. She illustrated a wonderful children's book called “Rosie finds her Shine.” This book would make a great Christmas gift! You can support Megan and the podcast by ordering her book from Amazon:

Follow Rosie on Instagram

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Now That's Something Good Podcast by Sarah Good is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Show notes may contain affiliate links. This is at no extra cost to you but does help support telling more stories that bring more good. Now that is something good! Thank you for your kind support.

[0:14] Well hey friends welcome back to the show it's been a little bit but we are glad to come back to you today on the special.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving for a special Thanksgiving Eve now that's something good podcast episode so I've got will here with me.

[0:30] Hello Sara and our listeners.

[0:32] Yes we're excited to be back we've needed to take a little bit of a break been a little bit of a busy season,
in our world and life some happy things going on and some hard things going on in our peripheral of our some of our friends and everything but,
we're going to get back to sharing stories but today with in light of being Thanksgiving and in light of what the show is about.
Now that's something good sharing good things we wanted to spend a little bit of our time together sharing things that we are thankful and grateful for now.
We have to say this.
I kind of a pet peeve about Thanksgiving when it seems like sometimes it's the only time of the year that we talked about being thankful or grateful I feel like we should have an attitude of gratitude all the time,
and that having a perspective and a heart and I thought posture thought posture thought position heart posture,
of gratefulness and thankfulness is key now you know we talk about good things a lot here on the podcast it is not.

[1:33] In spite of or despite.
Hard things that go on we are well aware will and I could tell you story after Story of hard things that we've been through yes yet but we are firm Believers that,
we get to choose what we think about most
and the thoughts we think most often are the thoughts that we're going to repeat the most and so we want to choose to try our hardest to see things through a lens of optimism and of goodness and what God is doing in and thankfulness and gratefulness now,
we could tell you stories will probably tell you stories I've been a little grumpy this week honestly and some moments and not been quite filled with joy our gratitude
dude I've been more grumpy than not so it happens to the best of us and we know there are real life circumstances that are really hard and really painful and sometimes it can be difficult.
To see the good through the storm and in the midst of what's going on and so that is when having good friends and feeling yourself to with.
Podcast are going to bring you some Joy with praise music that's going to bring you some joy and just some good people just help to kind of encourage you along whatever season you're in.

[2:40] We want to share some good things and hopefully as maybe you're driving to somewhere for Thanksgiving maybe you've got this on while you're cooking your Thanksgiving dinner
shout out to all you guys cooking and prepping maybe you're working today wherever life finds you as you listen to this episode It's Our Hope and our heart that is going to bring you a little good A little joy in a little gratitude into your life is we share some things,
that not only we're grateful for but our friends are.
So we took to the interwebs will write and asked a lot of you to share with us something that you are grateful for and so we want to start off really by sharing things that you shared,
and it's exciting so well yeah I think that perfect okay here we go so I'm going to start,
over on Facebook our friend Jill shared this when asked what are you grateful for,
she said so much to be grateful for this year but watching our daughter be baptized what is what I'm most thankful for I love that that is definitely something good in something to be thankful for thank you Jill,
okay now I got to look at all these other ones over here let's see.

[3:48] Oh Ana we can say her full name because she's my sister Anna she was on I don't know what episode you'll find them all go back but Anna was one of our episodes,
in season one and she said this I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had to grow closer with friends and family.
I'm grateful for the mentors coaches counselor friends Etc who've listened supported and loved me as well as taught me valuable lessons I too often focus on my mistakes and where I could have done better so I want to say I'm truly thankful for how far I've come,
I love that gross is definitely something to be grateful for and sometimes in the moment right can be really easy to focus on all the things we're not doing or all the,
for making or all the ways were failing but when we pause for a moment and really look at where we've come that's something to be grateful for we're always making forward movement.

[4:36] Yep Thanksgiving is a great time to look back on what happened already this year and be thankful for the things that happen and not get overwhelmed by the things that are yet to come or that you haven't yet accomplished so good one good one Anna.

[4:46] Yes you know we'll on our huge Believers and taking time to pause and reflect and look back on things if we don't,
you lose momentum and it's hard okay here is one from this is from Aunt Sue who is our Aunt Sue she said this grateful for the men in my life John Galen Brent Reese and Jesus I love them all,
love that that is a good list of some good crew Men.

[5:09] Fantastic thanks Aunt Sue.

[5:11] Okay this is from our friend Jackie Jackie shares I'm grateful for God showing me I do not have to strive in my career
accepting a new position in November 11 months in the making which allows for more family time and less stress also stepping out of my comfort zone with vulnerability with select friends
things I've never spoken aloud before hard things but so worth it.
Jackie that's awesome I love hearing this what you're grateful for thank you for sharing that but man stepping out of our comfort zones my word for this year has been safe I think I shared that on an earlier episode of this year and so I feel like I definitely had some situations this year where I've had to step out of my comfort zone or out of what I can see and
allow God to just come through in more ways than maybe I always am inclined to put myself in,
and there is so much good and gratefulness that I think comes from those moments so thank you for sharing that Jackie okay will we're in between comets you want to share something you're grateful for.

[6:09] Something I am grateful for really is just perspective and taking we have some few days off of work the last couple days and just being able to just kind of Pop even though it's not been like,
super uneventful it's been crazy but just a change of pace a little bit gives an opportunity to have you know have perspective on what we have what we don't have and really be thankful for what like I said earlier.
Piggy back in half an hour where we've come how far we've come this year.

[6:38] There's lots of good things so I've got a gratitude moment right now in our podcast Studio you guys have probably seen pictures online if not go follow us on,
or Instagram at now that something good podcast and you'll see a glimpse of our little Studio home office last Studio we right now have a candlelit and this is several gratitudes in
one God bless candles I mean how fun are they they just provide you warmth in like a glow in your home and.

[7:05] And for all you guys who are listening it's fire I mean what else do I have to say thank you for fire.

[7:10] But this candle not only smells good but it is in a candle it has a little thing on it has a gnome on it.
Which if you know me you know I have an affinity for,
Christmas gnomes and gnomes and it says there's no place like gnome for the holidays and what makes this even better is not only as a gnome candle my good friend gave this to me and she does not like gnomes and so it was truly a sack.

[7:33] A sacrifice of love.

[7:35] She saw this candle thought of her friend Sarah gave it to me and I love it so shout out for the gnome friend.

[7:44] Thank you numb friends the whole family benefits from your numbness thank you.

[7:48] I'm grateful for that right now okay back to your guys's thankful comments it's loading it disappeared oh no hold.

[7:56] Sometimes things just disappear and we can be thankful that we have Tech and it causes us to be.

[8:02] Okay this is from our friend Chelsea Chelsea and her husband Levi were on an episode not to Fargo
September August sometime in there go listen to the episode they had a lot of great things to share if you've not listened to their story
this is great I love what she shares here she says grateful that God has used the mess of our story and redeemed every broken piece of it to turn it into our message,
he pulled us out of the valley this past year I love that Chelsea thank you so much for sharing that and as I said go listen to their story they have an incredible
just testimony they give a being in some hard places some places where they're kind of out on a limb not sure
what was going to happen and how God was going to come through but stories of how he came in and did what only he can do to bring Redemption and glory to himself so.

[8:49] Messes into messages that's good.

[8:51] Love it love it here is another one from our friend Megan Megan was our very first podcast guest episode shout out to.
Go check out that episode she is just one of the most calm encouraging kind people I think.

[9:08] Her kids are really fun and cool to I've got to meet them and they're super cool.

[9:11] Yes so go listen to Megan's episode if you have not listened to that yet it's a really good she shares this,
I'm grateful that God chooses to use me despite my weaknesses and insecurities he is so good the opportunities he,
the opportunities to put my art out in the world in new ways this past year has been a gift,
I'm also grateful for the people he's put in my life that are such an encouragement and always Point truth we are so much better together,
Megan that is a whole lot of good in there that you shared I love that you actually need to go check out Shameless plug for Megan should let me tell me this she
this beautiful art she is a Creator and so many different Avenues and one is with art and she had the opportunity to work with another Megan,
on a book called oh my goodness I just went blank on what the book is called I'm going to look,
I'm gonna look it up in a second we'll do you know what it is to look it up anyway Megan is an illustrator and she had a chance to illustrate this book I'm going to tell you what it is we're going to put it in the show notes I'm going to I don't care.

[10:12] While Sarah is looking that up I just want to say Megan you were absolutely right it is if you're a creative person and actually we're all creative in different ways
but being vulnerable and putting your art so to speak or anything that you've created or helped create it out to the world is vulnerable it's hard so I appreciate Megan that you shared that that you're grateful for,
the great support you've gotten just from from being vulnerable from taking that risk and we're better for it as a family because of
creativity in your artwork that you took the risk to share your creativity to the world so thank you for that.

[10:43] So our friend Megan Wilson that we're talking about she is the illustrator for a book called
Rosie the Reindeer: "Rosie Finds Her Shine." This book was written by Megan Rogers which were hoping to get on the podcast at some point to hear her story because she's getting incredible one but this book
is seriously the most adorable Christmas book and would be great year-round you need to go find it you can find it at Target on Amazon or go follow it is the handle is life is Rosie,
on Instagram go find that follow along it is so cute Megan you did an amazing job I'm grateful I'm grateful for that.
Now back to list will you got anything else to be grateful for.

[11:21] I'm grateful for you Sarah.
No seriously you you hold a lot of stuff together you Champion people really well including your family and many of you who are listening know that Shara might be your Champion or you're encouraged or so I'm just thankful for you and what you bring to the world.

[11:37] Well I did not tell him to say that people so thank you will I appreciate that.

[11:40] It's true.

[11:41] I love it I'm grateful for you if we have a good partnership and for this podcast it's a lot of fun okay this is from our friend Katie who's also The Gnome candle Giver I just had to say as try not to totally.

[11:52] Shout out for Kitty and her gnome candling.

[11:54] Kaiser this Katie and her husband Josh were on our podcast less February and our relationship series shared just so many good things on their episode go check that out Katie shares this.
Oh so thankful for knowing Jesus and the opportunities he brings me,
grateful for family friends church and fearless and his beautiful creation I love that lots of great things to be thankful for okay this next one is from our friend Phoenix Phoenix was also a podcast guess there's a little bit of a theme going on here.
10 Phoenix and her husband Brandon were also in the relationship series shared so many good things go back and check that out no matter your relationship status there is something great in those.

[12:30] Lots of nuggets.

[12:31] For for you Phoenix is this thankful for God who answers prayers,
and I therefore have remarried parents this is such an incredible story at some point we'll get them on to tell it but just how God has worked,
her parents who had been separated and divorced after years came back together and got married I think just like within the last year year and a half which is really cool something to be grateful.
Love it okay this is from our friend Rachel.
Rachel is a part of our story that we met when we were at Liberty with Lily if you miss that episode with our friend Kimmy which we're going to hear from Kim in a minute this is Kimmy's mom,
and this is an incredible Story We Share about it on that podcast more but this is what she said I think this is so sweet she said grateful for Lily can't wait for the fall,
we're pretty sure that our daughter Lillian is going to end up at Liberty University with Kimmy which is
fun and a crazy God story of which were great you don't shout out to the whole.
Narro family we are super grateful for you guys that was a blessing in disguise of just how you never know when you're going to meet people and when God's going to put people in your plate and your life and your path and,
that was huge so superb.

[13:47] Got little Goosebumps when you were telling that story again it was just a godsend.

[13:51] Grateful grateful thing on ours next one up I love these have been so fun and it was really fun reading this week so this is from our friend Jenna,
Jenna was also on now that something good podcast she was back in season 1 I believe two shares incredible stories you've got to go listen to her she's.

[14:09] Lots of wisdom from Jenna.

[14:10] I love her a lot she says this God has called me to shift things up on all levels of my life finances living situation job relationships and family.
In a time I have not been sure of where all the pieces will land I'm so grateful that the goodness of God's character does not rely on my understanding of where that goodness will show up in my circumstances that's so good I got to read it again.
So it says in the time I've not been sure of where all the pieces will land I'm so grateful that the goodness of God's character does not rely on my understanding of where that goodness will show up in my circumstances,
it's been so good for me to have his provision protections and purpose revealed in the transitions so.
I love that so maybe you're finding yourself in a place right now where things are kind of up in the air maybe you're transitioning maybe things are different and I love what she said that God's goodness isn't relying
fully on our under
standing he is good regardless and when we trust him and put our faith and hope and trust in him we can rely in his goodness that he is going to continue to work things out,
might not always look like we think it is it's usually never on our timing but he is still good and he's so faithful.

[15:19] Love it okay this next one is from our friend Aaron Aaron was on our podcast back when we were doing our fostering and adoption shout-out last November which side note super sad we didn't get to do that this year.
God is good and trusting him with the timing and all that Aaron is a foster mama and she's a really cool story we're actually going to get to see her tomorrow so when you're listening to us go check out our stories because you'll probably see this.
She's she's got a really cool story when we heard from her she was in the middle of singleness and being in that journey and since then she just recently got married which congratulations to her and her family she said,
this is what she's grateful for the ability spend the holidays with with all of my family both sides including lots of times with my new daughters and son-in-law so.
Love it love it love it such a fun fun thing okay and I love this Maria.

[16:15] Just remember Maria she was on the podcast to back early on in season 1 her and her husband Matt they were on two different episodes both of their episodes are some of my favorite really good.
She said this they're grateful for miracles and,
this is a crazy one and it's their story to tell but I also know they will not mind sharing it Maria and Matt shared on both of their episodes about their daughter that we love and Lee called Nat Geo,
and her circumstances she has got a form of muscular dystrophy that's pretty severe,
and a couple months ago she went through a really really scary situation and Matt and Maria and all of us alongside of them watch God do a miracle.

[16:58] And so we've got to get them on this is a great reminder to everybody listening to to Hound us to make sure Matt Maria come back on and share a part two of their story because we want them to share it but,
God is a god of Miracles and we are grateful for that right alongside you guys Matt Maria.

[17:10] Yes it's a good word Maria.

[17:12] I love it this is from Kimmy Kimmy is the one we just talked about her mom Rachel met him in Virginia which is super cool,
she said simply grateful for a roof over my head I love that I love the simplicity,
of this researcher several things I love this because sometimes it's easy to think that our gratefulness has to be these big huge things but sometimes it's just little small things every day that.

[17:36] Yeah that's so good and she said one thing out of many that I'm grateful for is the family that God provided me with I think that's another one that we can easily take for granted,
family I love that and then she said also so grateful for the good family I'm literally so excited to make some new and fun memories adventures with my fav
Lily which again just such a fun fun story Kimmy we love you we're so excited grateful for you and what God is doing in your life okay here's a really special one.
This is from a longtime friend of mine way back in the day growing up from Kathy Kathy says this.
I've been in remission for 17 months after a stem cell transplant
and I love that like we're celebrating that right along with you Kathy congratulations on that continuing to pray that every month will get to be stacked that you'll continue to say that and you would just continue to,
in healing and restoration of your body here so love that definitely something to be grateful for definitely something good and then.
I love this this is our own daughter Lillian she put this in she said I'm grateful for clean water.
Small things again very big important things a lot of the world does not have.

[18:44] Does not have clean water right.

[18:45] Clean water and that is something that we definitely can take for granted that we can just go turn on a faucet and water comes out and actually most of us could probably admit that there's times when the simple things like.
The heat doesn't work which we just experienced back of that.

[18:57] We just had a cold night last night yeah.

[18:58] Be frustrated and it's like you know what what a privilege that we have access to these things.
That we can fix it and can have that Solon says I'm thankful for clean water and the opportunities I have and so often I think we can even miss opportunities right in front of us we can get so focused on just the Here and Now what we see in front of us that we can forget.
Sometimes there's much more to the story so.
I love that will anything else those are a lot of the thankfulness from our friends they're even more but I think we don't want this episode to be a super long one but I love it.
Do you have anything else to share that you're grateful for.

[19:33] Just the opportunity we've had because of really what God is.
You know showed us and let us to in this podcast has being able to tell stories and again back from the beginning it's you know we can all take a lot of encouragement by hearing other people's stories,
the our neighbors the people we might run into in the grocery store all those people that we are end up being in circles that we may not even pay attention to have a story worth telling and sometimes it helps us to be encouraged to know that we're not alone.
Other people have gone through hard things and it survived and other people are experiencing amazing things in their life if we just take a moment to stop and listen or to ask some questions and to hear what's happening in people's stories might actually bring a lot of encouragement to us so I'm grateful for the opportunity,
that you all are listening and then you've heard stories and we hope we get to continue to tell more.

[20:22] Yeah we plan to tell a lot more so honestly funny you said this God just keeps kind of bringing us opportunities in our life to be able to hear things and there's nothing special about will and I it's just what it is and so I just want to Echo what will said is take a moment,
to listen to people there's that kind of cliche statement but it's not cliche because it's true that everyone is fighting a battle,
and the holidays are hard for people I'm sure a lot of you listening and just so you know will and I will be we're praying for you and for your family we know holidays can bring up a lot of,
crazy family things maybe you're alone maybe you don't have family close by or for whatever reason there could just be difficulties and so just know that you got some friends here and the good family and that were thinking about you guys and praying that God,
will show up in big ways and small ways for you in the season but never underestimate the power
of being able to listen to something good and to share something good because you never know when those opportunities come and I will be honest,
Sometimes they come when you very least want it or have time for so,
just a little story and we're not going to share names but we mentioned that our furnace went out last night we came home we got to go do some family think we've taken a little bit of brake will taking some time off work I'm taking some time off work.

[21:38] Being home it is a blessing so we're trying to keep gratitude but like there's just we've been in a really full season,
and our house is needed a lot of time and attention right now it's so we're in the thick of just like trying to catch up with normal everyday life and doing a project and project always turn into longer projects than you think,
and we also have four kids around and trying to balance family time and all the things.
But last night we had the opportunity to go do something in st. Louis is a family which we loved just kind of Christmasy the kind of Usher in the whole holiday Susan season it was great we get home and then I get a text from will that says hey somebody else has to put Link in the bed the furnace isn't working.
Never a fun.

[22:17] Never a fun thing when it's like already 32 or 28 degrees and it's 9 p.m. or whatever so.

[22:22] It really this is how my goes I could care less about the cold I'm more thinking about what the price tag is going to be,
inconvenience of whatever this is I'm like I can put more layers on like will be fine for a little bit but whatever so long story short thankfully
we're able to take care of it all the things somebody we got some cool connections somebody came out today to just help well this gentleman was in our house,
he's a talker and we love stalkers like it was great.

[22:48] A cool stories to tell cool stores that do.

[22:49] He just found a place with will and I today and wills in the middle of a project I'm like literally our house looks like a bomb went off I'm trying to organize clean Christmas.

[23:00] Wait a second let's pause a little bit you were wishing that he never had to come because you don't want somebody to see her house and that's.

[23:07] Our house when it looks disastrous I don't know why I like I'm getting better about not caring but it's just like oh my goodness and it literally like when I say a bomb went off this is not one of those like moments where you're like oh Sarah.

[23:17] There's a sock on the floor no it.

[23:19] Literally.
Decorations everywhere we're working on our laundry room everything that was in our laundry room is all out in our living room which if you know me like this is already my worst possible nightmare like.

[23:31] Clutter is Nails on chalkboard for.

[23:32] Clutter all the things it's holiday the kids it's nuts it's chaos and this gentleman God love him like he just starts talking to us and sharing his story.
And in about two minutes in God does what only he can do and I'm like okay we're going to be here for a minute,
in a good way and it was just like that you know what listen I have a hundred other things that if I'm being very real I would much rather be doing right now like that are on my to do list of things but right now the most important thing I can be doing is listening to this guy share,
his heart in his story and take the moment and honestly he shared a really encouraging part of his story
there is some cool connections he was a Believer which was kind of cool he noticed the scripture we had on our wall which I thought
that was neat anyway so that's just the reminder that you never know when stories are going to come your way where you get a chance to just listen,
we're maybe you get to be the one to share some good are just encouragement and what that can do in the middle of somebody's life I have no idea if we made a if that guy who knows but it was cool to just get the sit there for a moment.

[24:42] What he had to share so we're hoping that this holiday season you will get a chance to share some good,
and listen to some good and be an encouragement to those around you so I want to share this verse as we just kind of close out our Thanksgiving special now that something good episode.
It's from Psalm 106 and honestly this passage I'm going to share with you is shared multiple times in the Psalms and throughout scripture says this is praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good his faithful love endures forever.

[25:17] Who can list the Glorious miracles of the Lord who can ever Praise Him,
enough and I love that it makes me think of this song it's an older super old but worship song that says your praise will ever be,
on my lips and I think that's why we'll and I are so passionate about good things and gratefulness and thankfulness we do not do it perfect we've told you that you've heard us share stories but any means but.
Living a life we want to be able to see the good things and have the Praises of God be the first things that are coming out of our mouth in the first things in our thoughts because we know,
how much that can change not just our own life but the life of those around us and so we are hoping that in this season you're going to be able to find many things big and small to be thankful for,
and to be able to share those and think on those yourself maybe share those with your family,
we love it Thanksgiving were those people that make everybody go around and share something thankful they're thankful for and we've had our kids do it multiple times but I think it's so good because it just keeps in mind and here's the deal,
I told you it's a pet peeve of mine that we only do this at Thanksgiving.

[26:24] I think we need to do it year-round I know I need to be better about just asking the people around us and starting this podcast has actually helped us go hey tell us something good,
and it's really tell us something you're grateful for thankful for tell us something good maybe this year you'll get to ask somebody that,
to ensuring that and just continue to praise God because he loves you he cares for you and that's definitely something good one other thing we're very thankful for,
is we are thankful for all of you or thankful that you check in on us,
when it's been a few weeks since we've shared some stories that means more to us than you know it we are so grateful that in our little corner of the world that we're able to share stories and encourage and Champion other things,
so we do have a few more stories coming this year that we cannot wait to share with you and then we'll take a little holiday break but we'll be back in January with a lot
more stories but make sure to chime in you can email us where can the email as well.

[27:19] Podcast at Sarah

[27:22] You can find us on social media on Facebook on Instagram and now that something good come share something you're grateful with share us a story that's good we would love to hear from it you can DM message us
email us and more importantly not more importantly that's the most important thing we want to hear that,
in addition to if you're loving the stories you're hearing in the content it means the world to as if you would take a second to just review it on Apple podcast or follow along on Spotify you can just follow that just helps us be able to share more good stories with everybody
and that's a blessing will anything else.

[27:56] Yep I just want to pray over our listeners.
To have a fantastic fantastic time of listening and sharing so God thank you so much for our listeners and for this this episode that Sarah and I get a chance to
to sit down and share all the things that we and others are grateful for I just pray for those who are listening that you'd give them an opportunity to really listen in,
I pray that you would ask
or just enable them to be able to share something good and to receive something good this holiday season thank you so much for this opportunity and for our listeners bless them in their journey in this life help them to share something good today amen.

[28:33] Cape have an awesome Thanksgiving.

[28:35] Catch you next time bye.