Now That’s Something Good Podcast

The Matthew 6 Project with Bryan Roach

Sarah Good with Bryan Roach Season 2 Episode 41

Bryan Roach shares the background story to how The Matthew 6 Project got started. Sarah and Bryan talk about the vision, the process, and the “fist fight” to get some of the songs produced in a way that connected with the vision within the limitations of time and expertise! 

On The Matthew 6 Project Album

  • Here I Am - original
  • Holy Water
  • I Will Remain - original
  • Reckless Love
  • Raise a Hallelujah (feat. Sarah Good)
  • The Blood and the Body - original
  • So Will I
  • Graves into Gardens

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Quotes from the episode:

“I’ve always used the phrase… ‘I take delivery of songs, I don’t write them.’”

“Any talents that I think I possessed I’ve always felt like a gift from God.”

Fun things from the episode:

Bryan and Sarah shared insights from the Bible 

The vision for the Matthew 6 Project comes from Matthew 6:5-8:

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Sarah shared Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

The “leaves the 99” from Reckless Love is from Matthew 18:12, “What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?”

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[1:38] Hey Bryan how are you.

[1:38] Hey Bryan how are you hi Sarah I'm good how are you.

[1:41] You ready to talk about the Matthew 6 project all things Matthew 6 where you want to start.

[1:46] All things I was hoping you had an idea yeah I thought maybe.

[1:51] I do have an idea so this is actually why I start I want you to give some backup of the Bryan Roach story because I think you have to start with it's been a while since you kind of did anything super Musical.

[2:05] Yes bit of a refresher.

[2:06] Yeah I think you said you're coming out of the.

[2:08] Bit of a 20 second version of the last hour and a half conversation yeah.

[2:14] Give a little back story to Bryan Roach the one the 60-second version.

[2:19] Yeah so quite a while back I quit my job to write songs for a living signed a deal with Columbia Records
and worked as a professional musician for about eight years and then after two albums and an EP
shut it down because we were just working too hard for you know we just we just weren't
weren't getting what we want but we have you know we had a lot of fun in the process but burnt myself out pretty good toward the end there so I took a Hiatus and when I shut the band down,
you know I kind of told myself I'll get back to it if and when I can't help myself and almost,
well I'd say nine years to the day nine years you know pretty close to nine years to the day,
I got to the point where I couldn't help myself and so that's when that's when this project kind of started is that enough of a backstory like,

[3:23] Dive more into it later if it comes up but.

[3:25] Yeah so.

[3:26] So start here though like just I think we need to explain what the Matthew 6 project is and then we can back up and talk about the bigger Concepts Inception of it all that so what does Matthew 6 mean what does it come from all that stuff.

[3:39] Yeah so the Matthew 6 project is it's kind of an idea and approach to music it comes from the verse in the Bible so Matthew 6 5 through 8 that talks about,
you know spending quiet time with God it's it refers to prayer it talks about you know go to your room close the door your father knows what you're praying for
and I sort of took that concept and applied it to
worship music and quite purposefully was applying it to you know big corporate music some of my favorite songs that were kind of designed to be,
you know big corporate worship anthems and stripping them down you know into,
really Simple Pure sort of personal versions and I've had a lot of fun doing it and it,
each time I think I discover one that that works or at least works for me I feel like it kind of transforms the song,
kind of exposes the lyrics and in some cases really you know it almost changes the tone of,
of the lyric I guess it all depends on how the song turns out but yeah that's the general idea of the Matthew 6 project.

[5:02] Love it so why would you say like now after 10 years really like you said a little bit like the break but like why do you think this music because it's totally different than the music you were making before.

[5:14] Yeah so I don't I as far as timing no idea I mean I you know I have I've always said even back when I was,
just writing the auto vein music and the revolution one music or just whatever all the other bands stuff I always set at the phrase that I've always used as I take delivery of songs I don't write them and it's always just because,
I've felt that sometimes when I'm writing a song lyrics come out as quickly as I can write them,
and a lot of times they're they're basically final lyrics and to me that just doesn't it never felt like creativity right because it's you know I've had I've had friends call it stream of Consciousness which is fine but
you know I'm a little bit more spiritual than that so for me it just feels like taking delivery it's it just feels like it's you know any of,
any talents that I've ever you know felt like I possessed I've always felt like a gift from God and and and I think I've always just kind of felt the same way about songs so so I you know,
I I just I quickly just chalk it all up to God's timing you know I why nine years yeah I don't know maybe just.

[6:34] I have no idea I just have no I just know that I just know that I felt like it was time to listen to what was being delivered to me and it felt like the obedient thing to do if you will,
these ideas like Again song writing it can be,
consuming it I you know for me it just is consuming you just kind of can't get an idea out of your head until you finish it and when when I was in the wrong head space,
I couldn't do it I couldn't make myself do it felt like torture you'd sit down with a little bit of an idea and the Very thought of,
of fleshing that idea out was just excruciating but then when the switch,
flipped it was just like I couldn't help it I was playing the piano I could not get up from the piano which I've told you before you like I didn't play the piano before,
yeah I couldn't get from the piano couldn't stop taking delivery of lyrics and.

[7:40] Keyboards did you buy in the midst of this process.

[7:42] Oh yeah because I was trying out a bunch yeah so we've got a.

[7:46] It's like every time I come to your house there's a new keyboard.

[7:48] There was therefore a hot second because we have an acoustic piano at the house but you know that quickly becomes quite an imposition on the rest of your family if you're working on songs and you don't have you know our
our acoustic piano is just it's upstairs where everybody can hear it and and it just,
men if you want to stay with your family you got you gotta find a space yeah cuz it's you know when you're working an idea like you know this when you're working on an idea it's it just can be very very repetitive because your
you know you're trying to dial in nuances and the truth of the matter is my family is super supportive and they're in their Ultra patient but at some point you know.

[8:31] When you're trying to watch TV or you just don't want any other noise it's either like I don't want to hear the piano.

[8:35] Any of that and then of course as it starts to get later you know you get an idea that shows up at midnight you know,
you can't do that at all so I didn't have I didn't have anything that I could use for for an application like that and then we started recording,
we use Virtual instruments for a bunch of that stuff so I wanted to you know I wanted a decent I wanted a decent MIDI controller that sort of felt good and and was you know sort of inspiring to put your hands on and so yeah I tried out a,
bunch of cheap options expensive options and.

[9:07] Sir for those that care what option did you end up with.

[9:09] Oh I I landed on a Nord Electro 6 hp.

[9:16] Love it somebody will no doubt and love that for a lot of people to speak.

[9:19] Somebody will probably not yeah it's not a I mean they're there they're highly regarded as far as I know but they've got a bunch of different models but this one yeah this one works nicely for me.

[9:31] Love it okay we'll get it all that nitty-gritty stuff because.

[9:33] Really yeah okay.

[9:34] It's get more some of it maybe who knows what we'll cover but back up so like you didn't even start writing this just tell the story kind of from the beginning so,
you you and I we've been friends for little bit of time we go to the same church,
you serve on the worship team that I'm also a part of helped lead for the first part of your few months of you being around and so we started working together doing some songs all that stuff,
do I tell a story of where because it didn't really start with that but it did kind of start with me sending you a text message.

[10:09] Oh yeah I'll tell the story so I came up with the idea all by myself to record a version of a song that I chose,
okay that's not how it.

[10:19] He's totally kidding.

[10:21] Yeah so you and I what we probably saying so raise a hallelujah it's I forget the couple who sings it but it's a battle tune you and I sang it at church I think probably,
I mean handful time least 67 times I think you got a lot of good feedback we were always really comfortable with that
tune me in particular you know like I'm not comfortable with all of it that once at really well for me I felt and,
yeah so I had updated my studio stuff after a really long time,
updating it and I was kind of like you know prepped and ready to go and then you sent me a text with the idea of recording our version of Raise A Hallelujah.

[11:04] Mmm I didn't realize I was opening Pandora's Box.

[11:07] Write me neither me neither but you know when you you know when you invest in getting that stuff upgraded it's always fun to have something to work on and so you know my first thought,
was yeah that just that's a project that's something to do and then I was thinking well gosh you know big churches record other churches songs all the time so it's this is something that like if we can if we can find a way to own our own version of it,
that's even more interesting you know didn't want to just cover it you know,
so yeah that's what it started are that's how it started so we did a I put it I put a version of that song down and,
I yeah I put a bunch of versions of that song why are you laughing at me right.

[11:57] Because I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing because in the back we have Barista will making coffee and you can hear Liesl it dripping and so it sounds like he's peeing in the back of the podcast right now.

[12:07] Peeing now we have a general now we have a general theme.

[12:10] Sorry now you really want to know if you listen yeah that okay sorry sorry for.

[12:16] Because if you don't know if you come to the good household and you don't ask for an amazing cup of coffee you're missing out.

[12:22] You are missing out.

[12:23] They definitely have a strong coffee game here so.

[12:27] Okay sorry talk carry out okay so Raise A Hallelujah started messing around with a version of that.

[12:33] Yeah so there's this album that came out early 2020 called piece by Beth,
and there's two of them now there's a volume 2 now and it's you know this is like a
you know the approach I think the idea for those albums is like calming and relaxing and soothing and they sort of integrate all of these like scientifically relaxing sounds and they're really
they're they're pretty cool albums and I was listening to the Raise A Hallelujah that's on that first one and,
I kept singing a Harmony along with the two parts that were on it so when you brought that up I was like Well yeah if we come up with a version if we rearrange that in a manner that's
that makes a third Harmony suitable,
there's at least a Northstar to Chase and so that's what I did I was like I want you know sort of not quite as ethereal as,
the peace version but certainly not you know not full out like the actual version so thank you very much we'll just got some coffee from Will.

[13:37] Now you'll be a little more Peppy.

[13:39] Yes I will thank you very much no pun intended yeah so so I kind of went for you know at the time it was literally just a practical decision I'm I wanted to go for something that was sort of kind of in the middle,
of what you know the super ethereal piece version and then you've got the full out kind of Rowdy or version,
and I wanted something that kind of made more sense so we did like what I probably did three four different iterations where I was tweaking the the arrangement,
but while I was working on that you know I just guy started getting the idea to try other songs or song called Reckless Love,
that's also Bethel Cory Asbury and I sat down at the piano and I mean just,
it just fell out of my hands this little arrangement for that song and I'm like okay and then the more I the more I played that when I was just sort of working out the nuances of it the more I was like man I'm sitting down in this feels like,
this feels like this version of the song that like is already out there already you know it just made so much sense to me so.

[14:52] Did you do Raise A Hallelujah on the piano did you start.

[14:54] No I was tight I was typing that in because that's before I was even that's before I had a keyboard so I was literally typing those notes in with a mouse.

[15:02] That's right okay.

[15:03] Into a virtual Piano instrument in Pro Tools.

[15:06] Reckless Love is really the first one you did even start playing the piano.

[15:10] Yeah and I did it with that one and I'm pointing it.

[15:13] The one I stole.

[15:14] I'm pointing at a controller that now sits at your house yeah because it was one it was one that it works it's just ultimately didn't it wasn't what I wanted so.

[15:25] In Reckless Love still is probably one of my very favorites every single one is probably my favorite but I really like that one a lot.

[15:35] Yeah I think it turned out great I mean it's it was you know when you're at least I think we have talked before about reaching the critical phase of creative,
creativity right where you where you don't just sort of inherently love everything that you do but instead you know sort of listen for it or listen to it ask yourself is this,
is this done yet can this be better can this be refined and improved you know whatever so for me,
when I when I come back to a version of a song whether it's sitting down at the piano to play it again and iterate on it or if it's I'm in the middle of recording and I'm bouncing mixes and listening in the car,
any time I find myself inclined to keep listening it's you it's I take that anyway as a sign that I'm headed in the right direction,
usually if I'm just like me then.

[16:31] Move on.

[16:32] I kind of you know I don't yeah I don't feel inclined to listen I just it's like yeah maybe this is just not there,
and honestly that's kind of where we were with Raise A Hallelujah we did like two or three iterations and then I sort of we decide we side.

[16:45] Started getting all these other ideas which was when do you do you remember.

[16:49] Slav showed up Graves into Gardens that little idea showed up and then I was in the car sort of wishing that there was a we the kingdom song that would make the cut and I was like I just don't know and then.

[17:01] You guys need to know.

[17:02] Water showed up and I'm like this is insane.

[17:04] That Bryan is a We the Kingdom Super Fan self-proclaimed I'm not saying anything who are Super Fan the we became you he started their fan club.

[17:10] I'm the only one I'm the only one in my in my in my head we are all best friends we've all we've all known each other our whole lives we get together on Sundays for danishes yeah 100%.

[17:25] I'm just glad I'm not the only one that's delusional that's that's great so you want to a side Sarah story.

[17:29] Yeah yes yes I do.

[17:32] Excel about artists and like thinking that you're friends with people so growing up my name is Sarah everybody around that age had the name Sarah
and so I used to change my name and tell people my name is something else and I want to set further and also said that Michael W Smith was my dad because that sounds like a very much more interesting story and I wanted to
to be a musician in famous and so I was like if I just do people Michael the reason my dad like that makes a whole lot of sense.

[17:56] That is lying that's what we got.

[17:59] It was great anyway so,
no I wish but no not know I love my dad that sounds horrible Dad if you're listening I wouldn't trade you up anyway okay so reckless love so back up for a second because somewhere in there,
I remember almost clear as day you calling me and telling me about the idea of actually thinking hey I think we're supposed to call this Matthew 6 project where did that happen in the
because it wasn't I know the time like it was the beginning of the year because we were reading through the New Testament.

[18:29] Yeah we totally know the timing right like we can almost figure out the day of.

[18:31] Was somewhere yeah that was in January but do you remember like if you'd already started working on because that was I sent you the text Brazilian November so it probably was all did the Matthew 6 idea come before Reckless Love or did.

[18:44] No it was definitely the yeah I know is after Reckless Love so actually if I remember correctly I was working on a version of way maker that ultimately did not did not make the cut because I just didn't feel like it was,
what's the word I'm looking for I didn't feel like that the difference was dramatic enough to feel impactful.

[19:03] Yeah that might have actually been the song you were talking to me about when you told him about the Matthew 6.

[19:09] Yeah really really pretty song we've had some you know I've sung that a couple of times at
at the church and been a part of some pretty impactful moments that songs it's close to my heart it just I just couldn't you know I just couldn't find anything that I felt was really
compelling but I had sent an instrumental version of that to my brother Mark,
who is also in this space he writes worship songs he was a worship leader for very long time he still works with churches he's just very very comfortable,
in and my other really my other go to sounding board,
aside from you on this project and I had sent that to him and we were having a conversation and,
I told him I think I know what I'm working on so at that time it was we had tried Raise A Hallelujah,
Reckless Love Graves into Gardens I think I had at least started on,
and then and then way maker so I was about four songs in and I was starting to I was starting to get a sense of a pattern like okay I'm clearly stripping these songs down like that's what I'm that's what I'm feeling inclined to do.

[20:17] Because there was no hope of a price it wasn't like started.

[20:19] No I never we never said let's do a project yeah I just the phrase that I use when I talk to my brother was like think I know what I'm doing,
and he was like oh yeah and I said yeah I said you know that
you know that verse and at the time I had I didn't know where it was I just said there's a verse that says don't be like the Pharisees pray in the middle of the synagogues and the streets so everybody can see,
When you pray go to your room close the door and that verse leads up to I believe the Our Father,
and yet Lord's prayer thank you and the Our Father it's pretty intense.

[20:56] It's right it starts with our father it's this.

[20:57] That's right so so I'm telling him like that I think I'm doing that,
with worship songs and you know he thought that made perfect sense and and of course you know this so we were in the middle of a Bible reading that had just started at the beginning of the year,
and sure enough bat day it was Matthew 6 and it included Matthew 6:5 through 8 and of course I was,
I was like in disbelief because I'm like you got to be kidding me that's the verse of the day,
without a doubt I'm like this is obviously exactly what I'm doing right like it's it was ridiculous so.

[21:38] And that was the start of the Matthew 6.

[21:42] It was it was that's that's when we for sure knew what we were doing.

[21:46] I love it do we really still know what we're doing.

[21:49] No yeah good point we don't know what we're doing but we knew what we were working on.

[21:51] There's at least something no is really exciting so that was all the way in November January of 2020,
yeah so it's been over a year like literally I think I sent you again we're reading the New Testament again I sent you it means literally been.

[22:09] Yeah because that was just that was just the verse the day we're doing the same reading reading plan and that was the verse the day like what 34 days ago so yeah.

[22:17] Yeah I think the 10th or something seventh day somewhere in there awesome I love it.

[22:22] Probably should have posted something about that.

[22:24] Okay so somewhere along the way so Matthew 6 is not just all like your version of covers there's also some original Tunes you kind of said that but when when did the original tune start coming,
I system.

[22:38] I don't remember exactly but I think it was after it was it was I mean like.

[22:45] Somewhere in there.

[22:45] All I have for timeline is like what song I was working on somewhere between Graves into garden and holy water,
is like also just noodling around with this piano part that I thought was really pretty and I kind of couldn't stop playing it,
and my wife actually walked through the room,
and told me that she that she kept hearing the phrase I am a child when I was playing it the part is a little bit lullaby ish,
but that's actually how I right I've always written on whether I'm writing on the guitar or the piano most everything that I've ever written was was on the guitar but I tend to write the music I Noodle around,
with the music first and sort of allow it to I'll sing along,
I'll do it some people call phonetics which is just kind of babbling and singing at the same time and a lot of times while I'm in the middle of doing that,
a phrase will just kind of fall out of my mouth and I'm like yep that makes sense and I think it's because it feels to me like it's because you're allowing the music to sort of.

[23:52] Tell you what it could be about I don't know you know it's Inspire some sort of content so that's always worked for me so when she said that to me not only did I completely agree with her but I was like,
yeah that's awesome and as soon as she said it I felt like that was the first line of the song,
and and I felt like I kind of already like I immediately knew what that song was going to be about it still took a.

[24:20] In which song is it for people listening.

[24:22] That's yeah that song is called here I am and it's it wound up being kind of the what I would refer is like the quintessential Matthew 6,
and it's the it's the first song of the project that's the first song on the on the EP and.

[24:35] Number one.

[24:36] It definitely sets the tone right.

[24:38] It does at the dump,
I can't comment on it because I can't listen to it anymore because every time I listen to that Ding song I cry hate it I love it but I hate it it's really good,
like I said if I had to pick one of the favor of The Originals it probably would be my favorite if I had to pick but I like all of them.

[24:58] Yeah well.

[24:58] Okay what what is your favorite if you had to pick a favorite of the original which one do you have a favorite hard to choose.

[25:05] No I don't know because every time I iterate on something every time I do a version you know you kind of,
you know you kind of reacquaint yourself you know so when I when I was finishing here I am I was like oh my gosh this is this is so much fun you know it's just it just,
you get close to something and then when you're finishing something else you know you get you get close to it so I just think as things start to surface well they just kind of become your temporary favorite,
and then I'll go back and I'll go back and listen and you know it's like now today this one's this one works for me or you know,
yeah I think that's that's the case with I think pretty much everything I've ever written in its.

[25:50] Yeah okay so how long did the whole process take its oh my gosh I can't believe how many songs is it am I.

[25:57] The whole problem Matthew 6 project yeah that first the so the EP that's out now it's eight songs right yep,
it took yeah I mean I think it it basically took the year I mean there is obviously you know we were,
you know we were building that on borrowed time spare time you know like what.

[26:19] What was the original plan like to release in September or something crazy like that.

[26:24] I don't I don't even remember yeah.

[26:26] The original thinking and then you had a little bit of a setback but.

[26:30] Yeah well I mean you know when you when you think to yourself okay if I could just block time like if I went back I would have actually just,
I probably would have just taken two weeks off and literally just finished the whole thing because it's the kind of thing it's stripped down so it's not it's not overly complex and if I you know if I were to re-record the whole thing,
you know you could probably do it seven to ten days but but you gotta you know you gotta find time to do it you got to get down you know you got to,
redraw that inspiration you got to get in the moment and and and then capture what needs to be.

[27:10] It's hard to kind of like turn it on and off quickly.

[27:11] Yeah a little bit,
so and I'm you know I do creative I do creative work for for a living so you know that stuff is just you know just mentally kind of consumes it consumes you a little bit so it just yeah it was just a time-consuming process but it was,
yeah what's what's nice is I also learned a lot you know we I was saying earlier that I had upgraded my Studio software so you know brand new versions of Pro Tools got some new toys some new plugins,
some new gear and a lot of it you know there was a learning curve,
it all it's all a lot nicer sounds a lot better than some of the stuff that I was using before so that's inspiring and fun but there's also a learning curve so you get to you know you get to dive in and start exploring and,
that also took time so now things seem to be,
now things seem to be at least you know moving a little bit faster when I get an idea you know there's not the same it's not the same curve.

[28:12] Okay share the songs so.

[28:15] Share the songs.

[28:16] Can you do them like say say the ones that there are so we said there's five covers yeah can you remember them in the order we put them.

[28:22] I think I could name them in order.

[28:25] Actually I can fact check to hold on one second.

[28:27] Okay yeah so first song is here I am that's an original second song is holy water by band called We The Kingdom crazy good band Third song is I will remain that's another original,
fourth song I do believe is Reckless Love,
fantastic song really good first line just really good lyrics in general,
Death Song is Raise A Hallelujah sixth song is the blood and the body,
that's an original song number seven is so alive probably one of the most incredible worship teams ever written and the last song is Graves into Gardens.

[29:14] That was impressive Bryan you got them all right.

[29:16] Really did that impressive.

[29:19] I don't know I don't know if I could have done that I'm going to think really hard they've all got jumbled in my head cause I listen to him out of order now I mean I know we spent time trying to get him in the right order so people listening you should really listen to him in that order just for fun you don't have to but there was a reason.

[29:33] I mean that's that for me that when we when we were making records before to we like the mastering process,
so you go in and you record that's called tracking then you mix that's obviously called mixing that's a completely separate process and once you're done mixing,
then you do it's called mastering and in the mastering process that's one of the things that you do you decide the order,
decide how much time there is from the end of one song to the beginning of the other you sort of adjust volume so that the experience I mean I don't think everyone does it but if you feel like your project is a work,
as a as a whole like for me you know that there was a lot of time that went into selecting these songs because it was important to me that,
that that they were all you know dynamic impactful you know and and and also,
you know kind of aligned with the idea of Matthew 6 and the idea of one-on-one conversations,
so yeah and then and then the order you know I think,
like I said I don't think everyone can sit considers it as much but you know to me it's kind of important that if somebody's going to sit down,
and listen to all eight songs in a row that it feels like it makes sense rather than you know.

[30:58] It's something that kind of lost in all the digital music stuff right because they just shuffle through and play and we've talked about that before like I love that because,
in the old days people would I think a lot of artists probably did that there was a reason why and I feel like you missed part of the story when you don't listen to him like the underlying story that you would never really know but
you listen to them in the way someone intended them to be so if you have how long is.

[31:21] Yeah when we were kids right tapes record plate like you don't you it's you couldn't skip.

[31:26] Tapes you couldn't record yeah you yeah.

[31:28] She hit play and you just you just let it go.

[31:31] Try to rewind 50 times to get yourself in the right spot horrible.

[31:33] Yeah kids today they have no idea skip.

[31:38] It is push a button and it plays shovel yeah tapes man that's going back records records you could try to guess right if you like kind of drop the needle.

[31:48] Yeah there's that line yeah.

[31:49] Yeah but because updates were horrible whose idea was that does that really help us better than records,
got smaller so it's portable I guess anyway okay there you go so those are the eight songs random.

[32:05] Whose idea were cassette tapes we could probably find that out yeah.

[32:09] It's probably just because they're a portable that makes sense now that I said that I mean a record player kind of Hefty.

[32:14] And their analog I mean the the.

[32:16] I like the way they would be yeah.

[32:17] Sounded pretty good not great but pretty good.

[32:21] Did you have a tracks what was when you were young.

[32:22] When I was a kid my parents had an 8-track player yet they listen to like me if I members like Billy Joel and like Kiss The Kiss album that was like Disco,
I was made for loving you that's what I remember I remember that I don't yeah that's it.

[32:44] Anything else for us you are seeing the first line of every single song,
Could you actually let's do it no on the Matthew 6 okay well there we go that's funny how did we derail to the.

[32:58] To 8tracks I don't remember oh because song order song order.

[33:03] Fair enough okay so long winter so listen to it in order and you know the other thing that you miss with digital music right is the liner notes we've talked about that before like you don't have all the like
it's totally a nerd I'm a I love the little book when I was CDs well even when it was cassette tapes and would be all folded up in there like you could I mean I was the one that would read every single
part of it because interesting.

[33:21] Yeah I think the I mean lyrics are now accessible and I think it was Will who actually sent me a screenshot is it was it in Spotify will where you can actually access some liner notes.

[33:32] Yeah I didn't know that either.

[33:33] Which I thought was like fantastic because that's one of the things you know like I've worked with some pretty incredible,
Studio folks and you know the,
it's actually the fact that their involvement is obscured by remember I heard there's this artist Gregory Alan Isaac off he has a record that he put out in 2018 called evening machines,
absolutely one of the most incredible things that I've ever heard super inspiring,
and I was just like yeah I wonder who I wonder who engineered this I wonder who helped produce it and mix it I wonder where it was mastered and I mean it took me 25 minutes to find the answer that question online.

[34:13] Yeah yeah.

[34:14] And it was not it was come it was a cumbersome process right I mean of course it took 25 minutes and the whole time you're thinking that is ridiculous this this wouldn't be,
what it is if it weren't for the town.

[34:27] All the extra yeah yeah.

[34:28] Like that you know when when we made our first record I mean there were six or eight people who were there every day involved in every aspect and and they were all incredibly good at what they did and you know,
100% would not have been what it was without that and the idea of just like eliminating that from visible obscuring that from visibility just makes no sense.

[34:52] It said well then let's do this I feel like you should give,
verbal liner notes right now there's not that many really because most of it was written by you and I mean the cover songs are obviously written by I think you name them and they can find that but you did have help with some of the mixer the,
oh my gosh what's the word I want master.

[35:14] Mixing mastering yep,
that's true so I reached out to my friend Jake Wheaton Hofer and Nashville excellent guitar player,
his buddy Logan I think I'm going to say his name right Schlegel or I think it's Schlegel actually Logan Schlegel mastered it for me his fresh ears and,
fresh feedback were absolutely critical and and then let's see you know I think,
the thing is I can't start naming all the folks who sang on the end of graves into Gardens because I will forget everybody but what I could do is gather that and then we could put it on the show notes if that's helpful if you're going to do that.

[35:57] We could I think you could remember everybody.

[36:01] Like just right now to start naming names.

[36:04] I mean part of it was your family like your brother.

[36:06] Okay true so all right I'll then I'll try and then I'll.

[36:09] We forgot you we're going to Bryan will owe you a personal apology.

[36:13] Okay so I remember so Ronda Mozingo jumped on there kind of early,
Mark Roach his family his wife Carolyn his son Connor and his son Cohen sang on it my daughter Stella sang on it you sang on it... you're Sarah.

[36:31] I did.

[36:33] You are Sarah Good you sang on it Nate Scienciski at 2Rivers came over and sang on it Johnny Moore from 2Rivers came over  from 2Rivers... say hi to Johnny Johnny Moore of 2rivers.

[36:47] 2Rivers

[36:50] Yeah okay let's see.

[36:53] That guy right there.

[36:54] Will Good saying on it okay.

[37:01] That's all you grab there's somebody else.

[37:01] No no no yeah there's definitely more but I got it I got to think well two people were there in spirit that's Jeff Dill and Darren Hall they didn't actually sing on it but that's probably my fault,
but there were more there were more I'll have to give it some more thought.

[37:20] Okay if you forgot you he sorry I don't do you said everybody that I.

[37:22] I think there's a few more I mean I I almost didn't say Will and he's standing behind me that's why I didn't want to start Nicholas.

[37:30] I know I don't know that unless you had secret people you didn't tell me about I don't remember any other names than what you said,
because will is like one of the last ones because you were getting down to the minute we had to get it done like we had to get it you had to finish it and you were you say what were you saying fist for us what were you two what was your term Graves.

[37:47] Fist fighting yeah.

[37:48] Graves the garden for a second because that was probably the most difficult one maybe in some ways.

[37:54] Yeah it was admittedly all difficult but not because it is difficult but because it's just foreign territory for me so when I you know I'm mixed,
I mixed our radio singles on the first album and then I mixed our entire second record,
and then our third EP I mixed all of that stuff too but it's it's all like really straightforward rock you know like pretty pretty crunchy guitars,
panned out hard left and right you know,
just crunchy rock tunes doubled vocals and you know just just just very different this is all,
but whatever it's just very different and so,
trying to get you know a current relevant sounding thing that's just entirely different it was just a process,

[38:52] What was your heart for grapes like you had a pretty big Vision I mean like you knew what you wanted.

[38:57] Challenging because it felt to me like okay this is going to be the end this is going to be the end of the of the project or the you know the end of,
of the work if you will and I wanted it to start intimate like everything else but then sort of end like here I am ready to sort of kick down the door,
and kind of celebrate you know celebrate all that it is that you might have considered in the.

[39:21] You would say have a party I think is what you're.

[39:23] Kind of yeah right.

[39:24] Something throw down party.

[39:26] Yeah so but getting that to all make sense dynamically in one track was just something I just I didn't have any experience doing that so you got like what you have five or six or seven minutes,
of just piano and vocal and then all the sudden you want things to be Rowdy and the whole thing has to feel like it's all you know cohesive,
and yeah I said I definitely refer to that as a fistfight because it just took iteration after iteration,
and truthfully I don't think it turned out all that great mix wise but,
but I learned a lot in the process and I think when we do when we do stuff like that moving forward will be able to improve on.

[40:11] Yeah it turned out pretty good I don't think it was yeah at the end of the day.

[40:16] I'm going to try to poo poo on the.

[40:17] No is great and it's great to have all the actual the voices in there.

[40:21] Absolutely wouldn't be the same thing without it that's for sure.

[40:24] And to get involved some other people right.

[40:26] Yes and I know I'm going to think of the people that I.

[40:29] I know that's right do you want to yeah email any other liner notes your your brother helped you with the video I mean that was you talked about.

[40:36] Well yeah Mark I mean well you you and Mark obviously you sing on Raise A Hallelujah so that's worth mentioning because you didn't just sing,
the gang vocals at the end but then Mark you know you and Mark were my sounding board so I still you know that would be like you know,
I'll be like a co-producer that would be like collaborator like yeah and I mean like you know.

[41:03] I think you referred to me as your manager.

[41:05] That's that's a little.

[41:07] Still not sure how I feel.

[41:07] It's all a little bit of a stretch I suppose but I mean it's I still think it's it's worth,
mentioning you know when you're working we've talked about this before as a Creator you you need a safe place to bounce good ideas and bad idea,
and without that it can be really hard to move forward with confidence so you know you got to you got to have that and that's you know pretty pretty critical.

[41:29] Yeah it's good.

[41:32] And then of course there's Julie Roach for writing the first line of here I am.

[41:35] And that's a big big deal first line of one of the best songs on it.

[41:41] Mmm thank you for saying that yeah.

[41:42] Let's give Julie all the credit for it I've said it's one of my favorites one of my favorite songs I have not lied about that okay what else you want to talk about for the project was there a little I've got a couple other questions but.

[41:56] Yeah I mean I don't know anyway I'd love to touch on the idea that you know the that that Matthew 6 is a concept that's kind of bigger,
above and beyond you know me making music or recordings or doing covers,
you know I I'm I just like the concept,
that it resonates with folks and I think it would be amazing to start to start seeing you know Matthew 6 versions of other songs that that,
will feel inspired to do and you know it starts with listening to this and asking yourself if it resonates with you or,
um but yeah I think it's I think it's kind of important,
yeah I think it's important to express that because we want that to be we want that to be much much bigger of an idea than just you know some EP that someone put out.

[42:54] Because you talked about like you reference Matthew 6 verse but,
obviously is the worship version of all of that and it's those moments that are just by yourself like you said I don't think you said your whole normal line at the upfront about just taking all the big huge corporate songs and there's
obviously a time and place for corporate worship and singing with everybody and there is a lot of great that comes from that and it's good and it's impactful but
honestly worship is way bigger than that and if that's our only time of worship were kind of missing out on a lot of it anyway
and so the whole heart part of why I was drawn to the Mets this project is it is worship and it's more about all of the other times of worship we hope we should be having in want to have and should be having but what it looks like when we're just
by ourselves kind of like when it's just alone and these are the things that our hearts want to say to God and that's I think these songs are really representative of that like the way you translated them out like,
does that really well I mean I told you that obviously I was around for all of this but like will and I still put it on to listen to because it's just,
it's calming I don't know like there's just something about it that connects with people that's been fun I think for you to hear to how the music just translates and,
it's probably the whole reason I sent you a text about Raise A Hallelujah was just like,
our world people need I've said it people need this music like I and I said people need it and I said I've needed this music like it's just,
good and it's not that it's this huge crazy concept or these crazy things but I think that's what makes it so special.

[44:24] Yeah I think it I think it really it,
it uncovers I think it in some ways it transforms but it really does it it uncovers,
the the content the lyrical content of,
the music we are saying earlier like holy water is a great example like that's a big crunchy tune your that you're actually the person who introduced me to We The Kingdom because you all went down to worship together a few years ago and,
no I do right you guys had no idea who they were and.

[45:00] Blown Away.

[45:01] They get up on stage and you're like what is happening right now who is this,
that's what you said to me and I'm like okay what I'm going to check this out I pull it up and holy Waters the first thing I'm listening to and I'm like what,
even is this like this is insanely good it's just it's crunchy it's full of passion doll the vote you know all the vocals are just,
like insanely compelling just a just a band full of monster Talent,
but that's a it's just such a great example of a of a song that sounds like what that song the way that it starts has this energy that's like,
it's it's it's an it's an exciting energy,
full of like a little bit of crunch and and some angst and it's almost like empowering,
but when you listen to the Matthew 6 version It's desperate it's desperate like even the first line God I'm on my knees again like God I'm on my knees on the on the real version of the song,
it sounds like almost like a proclamation like it's an empowering line,
you hear it in the Matthew 6 version and it's it just takes you to an entirely.

[46:15] Yeah yeah.

[46:15] Different space and I think that all of the songs Graves that they're all going to come to mind if I keep thinking about it but,
it really does transform Fermi it transforms the music and it just.

[46:32] What do you want talk about our Reckless Love debate because I kept telling you on that song when you first play
it didn't have that the lyrics are that song has incredible lyrics from it we both loved it and you kept trying to maybe add a few things to it and I kept going this
this one doesn't need it like it's just so compelling with a vocal and a piano that's like don't don't put anything else with it did my idea went out.

[46:59] It did it did yeah I.

[47:01] So if you think it's missing something it's my fault but I think it sounds amazing and way it is.

[47:05] Yeah and that was what you know we talked about it that was one of those those this it's so dramatically different from the version and that's one of you know that's one of my I mean these are all some of my absolute favorite songs from the last 45 years,
Reckless loves a monster radio tune it's a huge Rowdy cut it's not it's not Rowdy that's probably wrong word but it's just it's just a big issue,
tune and but you know the first time I heard that song and I heard,
you know before I spoke a word you were singing over me I'm just like who wrote that how accurate is that and,
and how amazing is it that it's true I mean that I think that's the stuff that like I can,
you know I could barely even process that reality but when I think about it it just,
fills my heart and so you just like that speaks to me it's going to speak to anyone I think that's a musician is particularly a vocalist because when we think of how happy were told that God is when we sing to him,
the idea that he was singing over us before we kind of even,
you know we're self-aware like we exist but we're not self-aware yet and he's and he's rejoicing that you know,
he's rejoicing in his in his own creation and it's just it's all just it's so big so big.

[48:27] It's actually in the Bible like there's a pretty sure it's in Zephaniah Zechariah like it talks about him singing over us and that I.

[48:33] Dairy go put Bible.

[48:33] There's another old song by you need to look it up oh my gosh it's totally all I can think of is TobyMac and that's not it what's the guy's name from third day you know who I'm talking,
Mac pal he did a whole album of like some more there were songs based on scripture,
not at all like Matthew 6 but a different thing and he's got one on there and it talks about God singing over us this beautiful and so that's why that line every time I hear him Reckless love them like yes yes it is like that's so good.

[48:59] Yeah yeah and then you know then there's the you know II,
I remember when I heard the chorus of Reckless Love and the 99 reference I didn't actually know the reference it first and so I probably was probably singing along with that song,
for a couple of times before I'm like I don't even understand what I'm singing and I need to go look that up.

[49:20] Yeah great parable.

[49:22] And again you're just like you know it's just it's just it's just really really good and super compelling and.

[49:30] Leaves the 99 for the one.

[49:32] Yeah,
yeah so that like I said before all the songs are picked because they you know they I just think they're insanely authentic Tunes the lyrics are all just spot-on and scripture based and biblical and they speak to me,
I think if you're familiar with any of the songs that were covered on the Matthew 6 project I think you'll find that,
you know I sound arrogant to say I think you'll fall in love with them in a completely different way.

[50:02] Absolutely yeah.

[50:03] Because you know they're just the songs are just that good and I think we've done a pretty good job of honoring the Integrity of those Tunes even though we've transformed them as as dramatically as we have.

[50:15] You've done an incredible job doing it there they're great there's no we about that that's you okay Bryan,
what well let's ask this is there going to be more Matthew 6.

[50:31] There is oh my gosh thank you for asking Sarah what makes you think of it.

[50:34] You're welcome you want to talk about that for a second.

[50:38] Yeah sure I don't even know why it didn't occur to see this is why you're here this is why you're having these conversations with me this is.

[50:45] Job security.

[50:46] Oh my goodness,
so there there are yeah so there are there are other covers there's one that I actually I want to kind of release it in short order I had the I we you and I,
about this but I was thinking like does it is it even a problem to just release you know just released something if it,
it's ready yeah so yeah definitely working on new stuff definitely definitely writing some new stuff.

[51:16] There's only one covers only one of their cover that you've started the rest of them are all Originals.

[51:20] Oh yeah that might be right yeah.

[51:22] Unless you're hiding something I'm pretty sure there's just one the rest of them are just extra originals and then part of it is right like the bigger versions of,
blood in the body and I will.

[51:33] That's right flipping this.

[51:35] Talk about ya talk about that.

[51:36] And we want I want to do that to more than just the yes so I got the original idea when I was working on these eight tune so I had the three Originals that were all mellow like the five covers that I did and I thought okay so I strip down,
these big corporate Tunes why don't I do the opposite with these three Matthew 6 originals and and record big versions,
and so for the project my intent was to leave here I am alone but,
to flip the script on I will remain in the blood in the body we're working on that and we think that what we're probably going to do is put out like a deluxe album if you will,
that will include a couple of new songs but then also some big versions of I will remain in the blood in the body and maybe even one more just depending on,
depending on how it goes but I think after that see this is one of the reasons that that I'm excited for people to hear it and respond to it because,
people are going to have their own ideas and their they're going to they're either going to come to us and say hey what about this song it's going to be something that we either didn't know about or didn't think of and that gives us like,
a new idea something else to Chase and if it works that would be absolutely incredible right.

[52:54] So if you have an idea let us know.

[52:57] Hundred percent yeah and or we don't ever hear about it and we just hear it,
we just hear it because someone's like yeah I love this concept it speaks to me
and then they just hit the studio and do their own Matthew 6 version of of of whatever song right and how amazing would that be because I like I said earlier I think the idea,
it's just far bigger than this one project.

[53:23] Yeah I love it so more to come.

[53:26] Definitely more to come.

[53:27] People want to listen to it and I know they do like they want to go find it where are they going to find it.

[53:31] Matthew 6 is that.

[53:35] Build their to find out more information.

[53:36] That's right they can go there to learn a little you're right yeah so listening to it you pretty much go anywhere anywhere you stream music.

[53:41] But hold on you should go to Matthew 6 and you can still sign up and you should get signed up to be on our list so that you can find out more information when all the things come out and happen and you should also follow us on social media,
Instagram and Facebook but if they want to listen to it where they going to go.

[53:58] Pretty much anywhere so Apple music Spotify Pandora
the other 10 Amma Amazon music I've heard that it can be difficult to find I don't know I got a maybe we got to figure out what's going on to distribution to Amazon I think I got a text from someone who said that they have Amazon unlimited and couldn't find it
but it's supposed to be there,
prime prime and litter whatever that's called It's supposed to be it's supposed to be on there but it should be pretty much anywhere and you can go to YouTube If you don't subscribe to any of that stuff you can go to YouTube and you can download it,
sorry you can list you can stream it on YouTube.

[54:38] And you can hear and see a really cool video that your brother helps you put together that just is a condensed version of everything.

[54:45] Kind of what we're talking about yeah yeah yeah.

[54:46] Which is great and hopefully we'll put more information are more content there soon right hopefully maybe.

[54:53] Yeah yes.

[54:55] Bryan what is your biggest hope aspiration for this project I know you said some of the anything else like obviously the other people catch on maybe do some of their own things.

[55:07] Yeah I think the big hairy audacious goal is you know that that lots and lots and lots of people here at,
and it makes a difference in lots and lots of people's lives you know if we can if we can keep doing more of it I've told you this buying I've confessed to several people I would
I would love for this music to reach the ears of the original creators I would love for them to feel like we've honored,
their work because that's certainly the idea too,
and I wouldn't hate it if I heard about it that's for sure to so yeah I mean you know again it's you know it's it's a lot of work we're going to do everything that we can to create content and and,
continue to give people reasons to stay in touch with us but again if you if you can gauge with us socially we want to hear from you we want the feedback,
we want the ideas and we want your creative expression like we you know contribute by all means.

[56:11] We're not too proud to ask you to share it because that really is how music gets around and ideas and if you love it and God's using it man pass it along share it with a friend do something because that it does it helps and it means a lot not only just,
it's so people right the heart of it is not just so Matthew 6 or Bryan Roach gets their name out there it's that people can connect with God and it would do something in their life.

[56:32] Yeah I mean you know worship is always been very personal for me I was this I was thinking these earlier its,
a lot of the more defining moments that I've had with worship music have been very personal,
moments and probably the coolest stories that have been shared with me since we released this have been kind of like that I,
I either came across this and it was a defining moment for me or I heard this and I knew someone who needed to hear it,
and I passed it along to them and then you know here's the story of what happened here's the story of how that impacted their lives and those things are just,
they're incredible to read it's exceedingly humbling but it's just you know it's proof like we felt from the get-go that we were kind of being obedient to,
to God's plan when we started this project and certainly when we carved out the amount of time and effort that it took to get it finished especially toward the end right.

[57:30] You spent a lot of hours yeah.

[57:32] So it's good to see that it's that it's doing I think what it was intended to do what he intended to do so pretty cool stuff.

[57:41] I love it anything else you want to share.

[57:43] More to come.

[57:46] More to that's exactly what I was going to say yeah I told you it's might well partly it's based on my favorite verse but well friends more to come more Matthew 6 on the way.